Graceful Wings (12)

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*Unknown POV*

It was the perfect moment to do it. Myla was alone, flying back to her damn boyfriend. I didn't get it - why would she date that asshole? She was supposed to be mine. We were meant to be. Not her and that Damien dude.

“Get her,” I told my boys.

I have a gang and I'm their leader. They would do anything for me, all I have to do is ask.

I watched as they knocked her out and brought her to me. I took her into my arms and watched her unconscious body. It had been a long time since I had held her in my arms. I kissed her forehead and flew to our hiding place.

I placed her down on a mattress, which was on the floor. My job was partly done. I had kidnapped my precious Myla. Now all I had to do was faking her death and wait until they announced her death.


*Damien's POV*

I was hungry again. Hungry for human souls. 

I knew that Myla would be back by 7 pm, so I had an hour to hunt. I knew that hunting would take more than an hour so I needed to make up something for Myla.

“Maybe I should tell her I went grocery shopping?” I thought loudly, “No, I wouldn't have any grocery bags.”

I walked around the room, trying to make up some excuse. Everything that came into my mind, seemed stupid. I gave up and decided to improvise.

I flew out the window and started looking for a victim. I flew above the city and looked for a dark side street. The first one I found was empty and the second one too. The third one was next to a night club and perfect for me. I flew down and hid my wings. Just like a spider in it's web, I started waiting for my victim.

Sometimes I had to wait for hours to find my victim. People don't walk alone around dark streets at night often. Sometimes I had even 'payed' hookers, sucked their souls out of them and then took the money back. Why should I pay someone, who's dead, right? Girls were always easier victims for me, since I'm a guy. Sucking souls out from other guys was weird and it looked... gay.

After waiting for an hour and a half, I saw my next victim. She was quite tall, blonde and she looked like a cheap slut. She was all alone.

“Hey beautiful!” I called out.

She was anything but pretty. The ton of makeup she was wearing, made her look ugly. But her appearance wasn't important to me, all that mattered was that I had caught her attention.

“Hey sexy,” she shouted back, patting her eyelashes.

I leaned against the wall and watched her come closer. She was drunk. I could see that from the way she walked and hear it in her voice.

“Wanna dance?” I asked.

She stopped in her way, “But I just came out of the club!”

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