Graceful Wings (17)

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"I've made a decision," Myra announced.

"A decision about what?" I was interested.

Damien and I had come up here to visit my parents and grandmother. Apparently Myra had something she wanted me to know.

"I've decided to give the throne of the Holy Angels to you, Myla."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"I said I made a decision, of course I'm sure," she confirmed.

"So it's time to unite the kingdoms?"

"You don't have to unite them right now, you can do it later too. It's totally up to you," she told me.

I nodded. I had known that this was going to happen sooner or later. It was only a matter of time. 

"When is the ceremony?" I wondered.

"I was thinking that we could do it on the day after tomorrow, because we need to get you ready for it too. Get you a dress, explain how everything's going to work. I want this ceremony to be perfect," Myra explained.

"So tomorrow we'll get ready for the ceremony?"

"Yeah. I'm going to invite the dressmaker here tonight to measure you up. He'll make you the perfect dress!"

I smiled at her widely.

"This ceremony is going to be way better than your grandfather's!" she sighed happily.

It was funny to see her so excited. But then again, it was my first time seeing her excited. Maybe because I hadn't known her for a long time. Maybe I didn't know her that well yet. A few months ago I wouldn't even dream of a life like that. I'd still be working my ass off in that crappy hostel after school and get home late at night. I wouldn't know that my parents were alive. I would know nothing about them. I wouldn't know that I was a princess. I wouldn't be a queen and a princess. 

Myra couldn't stop talking about the ceremony until the dressmaker came. As Myra said, his works were ones of the best in the Kingdom of the Holy Angels. He had made royal dresses before too, so he knew what he was doing.

"You have such a wonderful figure, princess," he said.

"Thank you," I smiled widely.

He was probably in his thirties. He was a handsome young man. He had a nice smile and his eyes were warm. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with light gray trousers and vest. He measured me up and asked me to do a few spins in front of him. I did as he had asked. He nodded to himself.

"We are going to use white and gold," he muttered, "Since you are so young, the dress will reach your knees. We need to show everyone your amazing figure!" 

It seemed like he had finished his job for today. He wrote something down into his small notebook. When he had written down whatever he wrote, he looked up and nodded.

"It's my time to go," he said, "I can't wait to finish that dress. It's going to be amazing!"

We said our goodbyes and I made my way to the questroom, where Damien was waiting for me.


"At first I open the ceremony," Myra told me, "Then you walk in and sit down on the golden chair in the middle of the room."

I nodded. This ceremony sounded easier than the one I had in the Kingdom of Fallen Angels. The ceremony was going to take place tomorrow. I really wasn't nervous this time. I had already been through one, so there was nothing to worry about.

Myra kept talking about the ceremony. About how the room was going to look like, who were going to come and where everybody was going to stand. She also told me about the dress code, which was white of course. I had noticed that for some reason most Holy Angels were wearing a lot of white. I had no idea why they wore white clothes so much, but I was sure that I was never going to be dressed in only white.

"They mostly wear white because it's their favourite colour. It's also the colour of their wings, if you haven't noticed," my inner-angel said.

"Oh, there was something I forgot to tell you," Myra exclaimed suddenly.

"Yeah? What is it?" I questioned.

"You have to get married as soon as possible," she announced.

"What?" I screamed.

I swear if I had had a drink in my my hands, I would have spilled it. I looked at my grandmother in shock. Did she actually mean it?

"You have to get married, my dear."

"But-but how?" I stuttered, "When? Why?"

"As soon as possible. It'd be better if you get married before the ceremony. Or right after the ceremony. This is how things work in the Kingdom of the Holy Angels. If a princess is going to get crowned, they have to be married or get married soon. And besides, I've seen how you and Damien look at each other," she told me, "You two are a match made in heaven. You two are meant to be."

"And you're telling me about this now?" I practically yelled, "The ceremony is tomorrow. Does that mean that I have to get married either today or tomorrow?"

I mean, how could she possibly think that I would get married like that?! I didn't even have a dress for my own wedding. And a proper wedding needed a proper planning too. This was coming way too fast. Damien and I hadn't been together that long that we would get married yet. 

"Don't get so worked up, my dear," she tried to calm me.

"Don't get so worked up?" I raged, "You just can't except me to get married like that. A wedding needs planning. And I don't even have a dress for it!"

I couldn't even describe what I was feeling. I wanted to marry Damien, but the way grandmother Myra was forcing me to do it was wrong. 

"Calm down, my dear," she said, put her hands on my shoulders and started doing deep breaths.

Myra inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale and exhale. Soon I found myself breathing like her. 

"Good girl," my inner-angel whispered in my head and forced me to close my eyes.

I started to calm down. I felt my heart beat slow down. I kept breathing deeply until I was calm.

"The wedding doesn't have to be big," Myra stated, "You can have a small one first and then later you can also have a big one too with lots of guests. What you think about that?"

I thought about it for a second and nodded. 

"I guess it's a good idea," I replied.

Now all I had to do was talk to Damien about this... 

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