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I could feel my grin turn wickeder just by watching Ruby and Jessie trying to piece things together. I could hear snickers from my shadow, tell me that she was enjoying the show as much as I was.

"Well I can tell that you're most definitely not evil" I said. Jessie gave a loud gulp, making a chuckle – no, more like a cute and yet innocent cackle erupt from my mouth.

"How... who... what is it?" Ruby forced out. She slowly peels away from Jessie who continued to stand still as stone and watch my shadow.

"I think it's genetic. My father had made deals and made friend with... things, on the other side. That gave him the ability to do voodoo and make his shadow become an almost real person. Ergo, letting me have automatic connections with nicer things on the other side when I was born – which meant that I didn't have to sell my soul or another person's soul" I said. I was well out of breath after saying all of that. I have never explained it all to someone because I have had no one to tell, no one had ever asked and I never even knew that it would happen.

My whole life I was told that I was going to stay on that god forsaken island until someone or something happened, letting all of the villains attempt to take over the world again and have revenge. No one believed that it would ever happen.

Ruby looked at the shadow with her hands on her hips and her eyes squinting, almost like she was thinking really hard. "Huh, that's pretty cool."

I smiled and looked at Jessie who was also impressed. My heart felt warm and fuzzy. Maybe it was because people had understood me for the first time.

"Yeah... I also think it's because my mother was the mad hatter" I quickly muttered.

The room suddenly felt quiet and somewhat empty. Ruby and Jessie's eyes were on me again.

"But isn't the Mad hatter a.... uh, man?" Jessie pointed out. I looked at her and she looked back with her doe eyes. No one had ever pointed that out before. Probably because they knew what the real background story was.

I vaguely remembered what my mother had said when I was younger and was very curious about the world I lived in.

" When I was younger, my mother told me that her twin brother was THE Mad Hatter because she was a little more down to earth and yet still a little more... evil" I said.

They both nodded their heads and yet seemed impressed, again. "We didn't know that two villains – or sort of villains could fall in love" Ruby said.

My heart fell in my stomach and a hand rested upon my shoulder. I looked over to see my shadow looking at me with her worried eyes.

Scratch, scratch, scratch.

I began to itch my hand like there were thousands of blisters or bugs biting at my hand, just like how the truth bit at my heart and my mind.

Jessie and Ruby exchanged looks before putting all focus on me. "Piper, there's something you're not telling me" Ruby said.

I let out a sigh and kept my tears hidden. I sat on my bed and looked at my hands, almost like they would tell me what to say. But there was no magic ink with a speech or a mouth that did the talking.

"My mother was a villain, my uncle was the good guy" I started. "Uncle worked for the white queen and mother – the Queen of hearts. She was treated as the queens of hearts daughter because the queen of hearts was the sister of the white queen. Queen of hearts and mother were always the ones who were shamed and always brought dishonour to their families, thus giving them all of the hatred in the world when their only wish was to impress them." I could feel the anger rise in me that my mother would've had.

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