Daithi De Nogla A thousand years

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Heartbeats fast colors and promises.
How to be brave, How can I love, When I'm afraid to fall.
Watching you stand alone, All of my doubt,
Suddenly goes away some how.
One step closer.

~Flash back~
"Do you promise you will never ever cheat on me?" He asked seriously.
"I promise David" You said kissing the tip of his nose

~Current time~

"David!" You yelled after him. He turned around, His deep green eyes flashed with anger. "WHAT?" He yelled when you caught up to him. "David I'm so sorry! It wasn't my idea!" You pleaded tears going down your face, It was hard to tell by how hard It was raining. "THEN WHO'S IDEA WAS IT? HUH?" He screamed at you. That made you break down harder. "It was LUI!" You screamed back at him and stormed off crying. You woke up in bed with Lui. You got hammered last night and he was sober, He took his chance and took you to bed. It disgusted you to think what he did to you whilst you were drunk. It made you sob harder and harder every time you thought about David.

I have died,Everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid ,I have Loved you
For a thousand years,I'll love you for a thousand more


"David!" You said giggling
"Yes?" He asked
"How long will you love me?" I asked him
"For 1,000 years and more!" He said bending down to kiss you

~Current Time~

He glared daggers at you when you walked into your shared bedroom. You had trouble seeing because your eyes were glued shut from crying so much. You went to the closet and grabbed you suit case. David look softened and then became quite worried. "Where are ye going?" He asked "It's your apartment, I figure you wouldn't want me here." I said shakily. "No yer staying here just not in m-our room. Were going to work this out." He said looking at me.

Time stands still, Beauty is all she is.
I will be brave,I will not let anything,
Take,away Standing in front
Of me, Every breath, Every
Hour has come to this,
One step closer

I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be
Afraid, I have Loved
You for a thousand Years
I love you for a thousand more
And All along I believed I would
Find you, Time has brought,
Heart to me, I have loved you

For a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more


"(Y.n!)" David yelled jogging up to you
"Hiya baby!" You said kissing his cheek earning a smile from him.
"Will you move in with me?" He asked
"David Yes!" I squealed.

~Current time~

David let you stay at the apartment and he went to Jon and Evan's place. He walked through the door with Lui by his arm. "Lui tell me what you did to her?" David practically growled at him. Lui mumbled something under his breath and said-"I took advantage of her, You shouldn't be mad at her, be mad at me!"Lui said David threw him down and he went out the front door. David looked at me. His faded green eyes looked apologetic. I stood up and walked closer to him. "I would never cheat sober david I love you, and I promised you!" You said with hurt in your voice. David was going to say something but he just kissed you instead.

One step closer
One step closer
I have died Everyday,
Waiting for you,
Darling don't Be
Afraid I have loved you,

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand More
And All along I believed,

That I would find you,
Time has brought,

Heart to me,
I have loved you,
For a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand...

~Flash back~

"David....I think I love you"
"I think I love you too."

~Current time~

"David I love you."
"I love you too."


I wanted to write something cute and OMG UPDATE 3 TIMES IN A ROW? WHATTT?? I know I was kinda bored. This is different from what i usually write. the song is a thousand years by Christina Perri . Sorry if you don't like it. Leave a comment of what you thought please, Feed back is great as long as it's not to harsh. I love ye all.

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