I am wildcat/ Drunk

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Tyler's P.o.v

"TYLLLER YOU READYYY TO PARTAYYY?"my roommate yelled. "Not particularity." I groaned. I could be editing, or recording or something. "C'mon! You could use some time out of the house! I mean, I'm no expert on skin, but you are inhumanly pale." She stated with a with a weird face. "I'll go with you as long as you invite one of the boys" I said mocking her face. "FINNNNNEE Is Mini Okay?" She asked "YEAH Mini is okay I guess." I said. It was her birthday and she was to pumped for this. She was turning 21 I think. Only 2 years younger than I am. I got up and got clothed. I put on a black button up collar shirt and some jeans. I looked better than I would on a normal day but for the most part I looked exactly the same. Now to my room mate. I have liked her forever. When we moved in together we were best of friends, I guess I kinda fell in love with her over the course of 8 months. I walked out into the sitting area and collapsed on the couch not ready for what tonight was going to be. She walked in and laughed. I didn't see her walk in but I heard her heels click on the wood floor. I heard camera shutters what let me know that she took a photo. "DELETE IT!" I yelled flopping around. She laughed even louder. She must have been vlogging too because she walked over to her camera that was turned on. "That's Tyler being a Bitch maniacs!" She laughed. I looked up finally to defend myself but my jaw dropped at the sight of her. She was wearing a purple dress that was above knee length. She had like 5 inch stiletto's and she was still shorter than me. "YO PUT SOME PANTS ON!" I yelled at her and she looked at me and rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. "if ya gonna act like dis" I gestured to her with my hands. "Ima go back to recording." When I said that her face fell. "Nonononono! Tyler you can't! You NEED to be there with me!" She yelled. "CALM DOOOWWN! I was joking!" I said. She looked at me and gave me her puppy dog eyes, and then her biggest smirk. She walked over to me. More like wobbled over. She leaned in really close and "LETS GET ER GOIN" She yelled in my ear. She walked over to the door and pulled me with her.

~Time skip because I'm tired~

We got to the club and Mini met us there. He was in his casual. I looked around. "Club full of pervs, Pretty young girl doesn't end well." I muttered to Mini. He nodded to me and sighed. "Keep an eye on her would you? She's already getting hit on!" Mini Yelled at me. I looked over at her. This dude walked up to her and she looked at him. She nodded her head yes and pointed at me. The guy looked at me and walked over. "Eh Yo, You lucky to get a lady like her" He said to me. "What?" "That girl said she wit you" He said. "Oh yeah sorry heh." I said nervously. He nodded and walked off. Y.n) was on the dance floor now and she was dancing around. Mini left with a girl at 12, Y.n) Walked back over to me at 12:30. "Tyleeeer baaaaaabbbbyyyy" She slurred. "You are drunk" I laughed. "Tylerrrr baby Let's go homeeeee!" She said. I looked at her. She was a lightweight with alcohol. I'd say she had 4 drinks. "Wait do you know this man?" The bartender asked "He's my lover DUUH." She giggled. I looked at her with my eyes wide open and my jaw dropped. "She's my roommate sir." I said to the bartender. He looked at me and then nodded. I lifted her over my shoulder being sure to throw my jacket over her lower half. Her dress was kinda short, It probably rode up when I threw over my shoulder.I carried her home, It was only a few blocks away. When we got home I put her down and she kicked off her heels. She was so short. She looked up at me and laughed. "TYLER YOUR FACE IS SO CUTEEE!" She yelled. "SO KAWAIIIIII" She giggled. I looked at her. She was so drunk. I walked her to her bedroom and picked out her pj's. I went to her closet and she had one of my shirts. "I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS!" I yelled. My batman shirt. She was standing at her door looking in at me. I pulled out a black tank top and black shorts. I laid them down and pulled her in the room. "WAIT!" She yelled. She walked to her desk and pulled out a note.

To Tyler if I am ever drunk.

If I say I love you, I mean it with all of my heart I do, I guess drunk people are the honest heh. *ahem* ANYWAY! If I need help with like anything have my full consent to help me and yeah THANK YOU AWESOME ROOMIE!

That's great. I helped her out of the dress she had been wearing. I helped her into her tanktop and shorts. She was giggling the entire time. She waddled over and flopped on her bed. I laughed at her. "Tyler?" She called out. "Yes?" I asked. "Do you love me?" She asked. "Yeah, Yeah I do." I said in all honesty. I walked over to her bed and flicked off her lights. I crawled into bed with her hoping she'd fall asleep quicker. She put me to sleep by playing with my hair. I woke up a few hours later. She was in my tight grasp and lightly snoring. I loosened my grasp a little bit and she stopped snoring. Opps heh. "I love you shortie." I said kissing the top of her head.


My birthday was October 19th I'm dead omg, I hope ye enjoyed! (::)

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