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A/N This goes out to anyone one who reads this, Muse - Madness. the lyrics in the video don't match up to the ones I typed. Oh and start song Now! please.

Delirious's p.o.v

I I can't get these memories out of my mind,
It's like some kind of madness, has started to evolve.
I I tried so hard to let you go,
But some kind of madness is swallowing me whole, yeah.

God damn she won't get out of my mind. I see her everywhere. Everywhere.

I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realized
What you mean

It makes me insane not being able to touch her. To hold her. Insane.

And now, I need to know is this real love
Or is it just madness keeping us afloat?
And when I look back at all the crazy fights we had
Like some kind of madness
Was taking control

She makes me go mad.

And now I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realized
What you need

I see him everywhere. He's making me insane. I just go mad thinking about the old times. Was the love even real? Or was it just madness?

And now I have finally seen the end
And I'm not expecting you to care
But I have finally seen the light
I have finally realized
I need to love

I needed him more than ever
I really needed her

Come to me,
Trust in your dream
Come on and rescue me
Yes I have known, I can be wrong
Maybe I'm too headstrong
Our love is

Not the best heh sorry.Actually this sucked sorry. I hope ye enjoyed <3,
Be happy, Be sure to eat, make sure to get plenty of water.

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