~One Year Later~
"Hurry up girls! We've got about five more minutes until we all have to be lined up and going down the isle with the guys!" I heard Rachel yell as she held the two toddlers dressed in little suits. I smiled and finished putting on my lipstick before putting it down and looking in the full length mirror. "I can't believe that after all that's happened, I'm finally getting married..." I said as tears starting forming in my eyes. "Hey, don't cry, we spent a lot of time getting you all prettied up, I don't need you ruining that by making your mascara and liner start running down your face and crap." Rachel said, causing me to laugh. "Come on girls, let's go line up!" the wedding planner, Maria, said as she handed me my bouquet.
We all went and lined up in the hall in front of the big doors leading to the alter of the church with the girls in front of me and lining up with the groomsmen. Rachel was right in front of me with Jack, Cassadee and Rian were in front of them, and Zach and Maria were at the very front, about to start walking.
The big doors quickly opened, and I watched as everyone quickly stood up, and turned towards the back. My eyes quickly turned to my right, where my dad was standing with his arm wrapped around mine. I kissed his cheek before we both took a few steps forward. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second, just taking in the beautiful sound that was he acoustic version of therapy, but without the words. I quickly opened my eyes and looked at Alex at the end of the aisle, smiling from ear to ear as he rocked back and forth on his feet, which, by the way, had a pair of converse on them. Not that I can say much, cause under my dress on my feet were a pair exactly like them.
I smiled and took his hand as we got to the end of the alter after giving my dad a hug. I giggled a bit as he fist bumped Alex and told him to treat me good before going to sit next to Liz, Luke, and the rest of the guys, who all gave me thumbs ups. I smiled as I saw Ashton, not looking sad, but instead grinning ear to ear as some mystery girl sat next to him, kissing his cheek.
I looked back at Alex as the preacher guy started talking, and wiped a tear off of Alex's cheek that had fallen. After we got done saying our vows and giving each other the rings and everything, I quickly leaned in and kissed him as he picked me up and spun me around in circles. Everyone cheered and clapped before he put me down and we ran down the aisle and out of the church, with everyone behind us. We quickly got in our limo, and I opened the sun roof thing before sticking my head out, watching as all of the girls ran to the front of the crowd of people. I quickly turned around and threw the bouquet over my head before turning back around and laughing as Rachel caught it. I waved bye to everyone and told Liz to be careful with my baby, jokingly of course cause she's like the best person ever with kids, before sticking my head back in the limo and sitting down next to Alex after closing the sun roof thing.
"Today is the first day of the rest of our lives." I said as i kissed him.
A/N: Hey guys, sorry that this chapter is so short and that i haven't uploaded or whatever in a while, I've been grounded... So yea, this is the end to this book, and I don't really plan on making another one... I might upload a new one or something though... It just really kindly depends... Anyway, this is goodbye for now... Hope you all enjoyed this book. BYYYYEEE