2 - leaving

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February 27, 2019

                Good morning, Diary! I just finished eating breakfast. I had waffles. I took a bath already. Daddy taught me how to shower alone! I'm not scared of slipping on the floor anymore. "You are a big girl now, Bea," Daddy said.

I'm waiting for Darcy. She's Uncle Harry's baby girl. She's really a baby, Diary, and she's really cute! I wish I was that cute when I was small. Darcy is so fat! Her cheeks are so big. Mum even got mad at me once for pinching her cheeks until I made her cry. She said Auntie Joanna would be mad, so I kissed Darcy and told her I'm sorry.

Yesterday, Mum told me while I was eating that I'm a really gifted child. I don't know what that means, but she said I love to write at a young age, and she said that's a good thing! I think I'm making Mum proud! That made me think that I'm writing here for her and Daddy. I'll give you to them when you're full of words, Diary. I'll tell Daddy to take you on his job so he won't miss me so much. All he has is a photo of me and my drawing. Mum is jealous that I know how to draw like Daddy. I'll teach her when I get better at it.

Daddy said last night he's going away tomorrow again. I cried, but he hugged me. I felt better. I asked Mum to let me watch again the video of Daddy dancing. I remember the first time Mum showed me that. Daddy was so young and so cute. Mum said she "fangirled" over Daddy before, but I don't know what that is too. Mum is a good dancer too! Daddy showed me her video when she was also younger. They danced different dances in the video, but when I asked them to dance together, it was perfect! Daddy's hands were on Mum's waist, and Mum's hand on Daddy's shoulders. I took a picture of them because they are so cute! Daddy even kissed Mum on the lips!

From that night, Daddy and Mum danced with me until I was too tired. Then he will carry me to my bed, and he will sing to me. My favorite song that Daddy sings is the song that goes, "Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me." That's the only part of the song I know, Diary. When he sings that, I see Mum in his eyes. He told me that Mum loved it when Daddy sang that song to her when I was in her stomach, and maybe that's why I love it too.

Bedtime, Diary. Good night!

- Bea


Sorry for the short chapters so far. They will get longer, don't worry.

Thanks for reading!

~ N

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