3 - red nose

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February 28, 2019

                Hi Diary. It's the last time I'm going to call you that, okay? I will give this to Daddy, so I'll write here like I'm talking to him. Is that okay?


                Hi, Daddy! I drew a line, so you will know where I started talking to you. You're leaving again, Daddy. I hate it when you leave. "It will be over soon," you told me today when you hugged me. I don't know why you said that Daddy, but I will miss you! I can't stop crying again. Mum already sang to me, but I still can't sleep. It's different when your voice isn't here. Mum gave me your music player too, Dad. It has all your songs in it. I can't stop listening to the song Nobody Compares. Daddy, what did it mean when you sang, "You're so London, your own style"? I don't get it.

Daddy, I'm sleepy. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? I love you so much, Daddy!

March 2, 2019

                It's March! Happy March, Daddy! Thank you for calling me today and telling me and Mum you love us. We love you too, Daddy!

Sorry I didn't talk to you yesterday, Daddy. I was listening to your songs. Your voice is really nice, Daddy. I want to be a singer just like you. Mum said your voice is better than hers, but I don't think so. You are both good, and I want to be as good as you and Mum.

I heard your song Back For You today, Daddy. I feel like you're singing that to me, even if I can only hear Uncle Louis' voice when he sings, "Baby, you don't have to worry, I'll be coming back for you." It's a really nice song, Daddy.

Mum and I made a video for you, Daddy. We were singing at first and then we danced at the last part. I have a solo, Daddy! I sang your solo in One Way Or Another, Daddy! It was the easiest song I could memorise, so we sang that. We watched the video of it too. Now I know where the red nose came from! I still have that on my table, Daddy. I'll wear it now.

                I'm wearing it now, Daddy. Do I look like you?

                I asked Mum if I looked like you. She was reading a book by the pool. She said yes I looked so much like you, and I was blessed that I look like you. I asked her why. "If you look like me, you'd be ugly, dear." That's what she told me. Daddy! Get mad at Mum. She doesn't know she's pretty.

                Daddy, I had a good idea! I let Mum hear your song What Makes You Beautiful. She sang along with you. You did prove you were right and put it in a song. Mum thinks she's beautiful now, and I do too! I have Mum's pretty smile. I saw it when I looked it the mirror.

                Daddy? I was about to sleep when I saw our picture on my table. You, me, and Mum. I started to cry again. Mum tried calling you, but she said you're busy. Are you too busy for me, Daddy? I hope you didn't forget your little princess. Come back home with my crown soon, okay Daddy?

- Bea

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