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I was laying down on my bed reading a manga. I chuckled at the scene. My stomach growled, and I put my book down.


I was kind of tired, but I dragged myself out of bed and walked towards the stairs.  Right as I was at the top my mom called my name from the bathroom. I turned and looked at her. " What?"

" Do you have my remote?" I shook my head. " Okay, maybe your dad has it.." She said retreating back in to the room. I nodded and turned.

What was I doing again..?

Oh yeah, snack.. I turned and forgot I was by the stairs and fell. My eyes widened and then shut tightly as the stairs got closer to my face. I covered my head and tumbled down the steps. As soon I made contact with the hard wooden floors I cried out in pain. I landed on my arm and pain was shooting up and down it.

" Hunny are you alright?!"  My mom shouted as she hurried down the stairs. " My arm!" I said writhing in pain. She sat me up and gasped.

 " What happened?!" My dad said running from the back room. He saw my arm and ran to put shoes on me. " I-Is it bad?" I asked still clutching it like a maniac.

" Son, just dont move unless Im helping you. Alright?" I nodded but tried not to freak out. "  He grabbed my coat and they led me to the car. We drove to the hospital and they took me in a room. I was too afraid to look at my arm.. I wanted to cry from the agonizing pain.

I finally took a deep breath and looked at it. My heart stopped. It was turned backwards at my elbow. It was bend wierd. I started hyperventalating. " Yixing you'll be okay!" My mom said stroking my side. The doctor came in and I was scared. He explained some things, but the pain was too distrcacting. I didnt hear a word he said. He glanced at my parents and gave me some pills.

" This is going to hurt, but bear with me.." He said approaching me, I just nodded slowly. He grabbed my arm and moved it back in place. I screamed at the top of my lungs.  He gave me meds and I was getting tired. My arm hurts so bad. Just cut it off...please..

He started putting on the cast and I drifted into sleep in my moms arms.


The next day I had a cast on and my mom let me stay home from the school. I woke up to text messages.

Three of them.

Jinyoung.. " Where are you China?"

Chanshik.. " Are you dead?! D:"

Suho...I sighed. I opened it and smiled. " Good morning my love~" I replied instantly. " Sorry for my late response. Good afternoon cutiepie!" After sending it I looked again and realized I spelled cutiepie and response wrong..

A few minutes later he responded. My phone buzzed and I reached for it. " Are you free today?"

" Uh sorda." He texted back. " If youre busy its okay."

" Can you come over? I cant go anywhere.." 

" Yeah thats fine, why cant you leave?"

" You'll see when you get here."


Suho POV

I arrived at Lays doorstep and knocked. His mom opened it with a wide grin. " Ah Suho! Welcome welcome! Yixing is up in his room! Hopefully you can get cheer him up." I looked at her wierd.

" Did something happen?" She sighed. " He hurt himself." My eyes went wide.

" No no not like that! He broke his arm and elbow. "

MachineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon