Baby Don't Cry

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Sehun POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and hobbled over to my bathroom. I collapsed infront of the toilet and threw up everything I had eaten the day before. I kept gagging and spitting into the toilet. These pills may be nullifying the pain, but they are taking their toll on my body. I feel dizzy and sick.

I managed to get up and drag myself back to my bed. I climbed in and held my stomach. There wasnt any major pain, but there was a dull ache. Which sucked big time. I tried to sleep, but I couldnt get comfortable. I usually slept on my stomach but I cant do that now. My movements are restricted. Even though I have the pain medication in me. If I touch the wounds, it hurts like hell.

Everytime I'd try to shift my position, my breath would hitch and I gripped the sheets in agony.

Gosh I hate this...I finally was just so tired I passed out again. I was woken up the next morning by my nurse checking in on me. " Oh,Im sorry for waking you. How are you feeling?"

" Like hell...Is there any way I could get different meds? These ones make me sick.." She frowned. " Im sorry..I know they are, because of the major injuries you have..That is the only medication that will work. They are meant for people who weigh a lot more than you, and a lot older than you. You will only have to be on this medication for a few weeks."

I sighed and nodded. " How long do I have to stay here?"

" About 2 months, unless things get better really quick. The quickest you can leave would be a month and a half most likely." I groaned and plopped my head back down on my pillow. I hate it here. Its only the second day, but it feels as if its been 10.

I felt a bubbling in my stomach I groaned and ran to the bathroom. I violently threw up again..I didnt even think there was anything still in me after last night.I panted and leaned against the wall. The nurse ran in and helped me back to my bed.  My stomach was in knots and I was squirming from the pain and discomfort. I hate this. I really do.

The nurse left and came back with more pills. This time, they were pills meant for my age and weight. She said she felt bad for me, so I get these. They helped pretty well. " Thank you.." I muttered, and she smiled.

" Are you up to company today?" I stared at her. Then I slowly nodded. Even if I feel like shit, I want to see my friends. I was more lonely than I was in pain. I missed having my parents here. I mean, they visit, its just not the same. I can tell everyone pities me, and is constantly afraid of hurting me when they hug me. I hate it all so much.

The only one who acted normal around me were the guys. They still treated me like they used too, which I appreciated. I mean they didnt hug me roughly they did in the past. They were more gentle, but not from pity..From love. I know they were all freaking out when I was in surgery.  The person affected the most I know for a fact was Kai.

I can tell he still is anxious when he sees me...I dont really remember when he found me. I mean I remember more and more everytime I think about it. I remember laying in the alley sitting up against the dumpster..Barley conscious and hearing Kai shouting my name. I kept crying out for him. Then he just appeared, and I couldnt help but smile seeing his face. He was telling me to hang on and that help was coming.. He held me in his arms.

I really owe that kid.  " Sehun, are you awake?" The sweet voice interrupted my thoughts. I smiled and turned to see Luhan walking towards me. I held out my arms and made squeezing motions and whined for him. He giggled and sat down on the bed.  I smiled weakly at him.

" Are you okay..?" He looked worried as he stroked my face. " I'm fine!" I said forcing a smile.  He moved closer to me, " Dont lie to me, be honest." He kept his gaze strong on me, and I just couldnt lie.

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