What Am I Supposed To Do??

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Luhan POV

Why am I saying these things?  Please Sehun, please realize I dont mean the cruel words escaping from my lips. I'll make time for you so please..

" No, goodbye Luhan. Sorry for wasting your precious time."

I stared wide eyed at Sehun. His facial expression was unreadable. He turned and walked away from me. Dont be angry with me..

Your back is getting smaller and smaller.

Farther and farther away in the distance.

Maybe he'll come back. 

He wont leave me. He loves me.

Soon he vanished from my field of vision. My hope was rendered useless. He really left.

Hes gone.

Hunhan is done. Sehun broke up with me.

He..broke up with me.

Its all my fault. 

" Luhan...Are you okay?" I went to reply with a untruthful yes, but only a strangled sob came out. Tears fell from my eyes. My lip trembled, and I covered my face with my hands. I started balling my eyes out.

Why did you leave me behind?

The sadness was overbearing. I began to gasp for breath. Everything was shaking and moving really fast. I fell to my knees and grabbed my chest. Everything hurts.. " Luhan!"  

Who was talking?

I dont know.

I felt my body become cold. My mind was blank minus the few thoughts hitting my brain. 

Sehun left me.

I'm failing.

My body was tensing up and then relaxing over and over again. Soon it just tensed up. I was sweating. I was wailing. Just sobbing, soon I felt someones arms around me.

I shot up and backed up to the locker. I saw brown hair. " Luhan.." He stroked my hair

That voice.

" B-Baekhyun?" I squeaked out and he nodded. I started sobbing even harder, and he hugged me.

Baekhyun POV

Luhan was trembling and crying in my arms. He was a mess. Earlier I had gotten a call from Chanyeol.

 " L-Luhan! Find Luhan! Right now!"  He sounded terrified and out of breath. " Why?! Did something happen!?"

" Sehun and Luhan broke up! Sehun texted me, and he wont answer my calls. I cant find him anywhere, please find Luhan!"

" Okay!" I hung up and started running. Just searching for him and calling his name. " Luhan!" I heard someone shout. I sped around the corner and saw some kid rubbing his back looking terrified. " Lulu!" I kneeled down and wrapped my arm around him. He quickly darted over to the lockers. 

" B-Baekhyun?" His voice cracked so badly.. He looked horrible. His eyes were blood red, and he could barely breath. He was gasping and hyperventilating.  His face and shirt were soaked with tears. He was deathly pale too.

Panic attack?

I nodded and hugged me. He just sobbed into my chest. I squeezed him. 

Its was as if....He finally just broke.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I refused to let them. I just lovingly stroked his back and sung a little song. 

My poor Lulu...

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