So Now I Come To You With Open Arms

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Chanyeol POV

I walked through the crowd and wrapped my arms around Baekhyuns head. he turned slowly and his face scared me. It was just like last year.

 The Machine.

" Hi Baekhyun." 

" Hi." Still as cold as ice..

" How are you?"

" Im fine."

I pulled him outside and made him sit on the bench. I stroked the side of his face.

Hes pale.

" Do you remember when we first got together? When you first told me you loved me?" He nodded slowly. " What did you tell me?"

" I dont know."  

" Im not a machine! I have feelings! My heart aches, and Im lonely and unbearable."

" Oh." I stroked the side of his cheek. It was kind of chilly. " If everything you said was true back then...Why are you acting like this now?"

" Im not acting like anything."  I sighed. " Baekhyun I know youre upset about your grandmother, but do you really think she'd want to see you like this?" His cold stare faltered. " N-No.." 

" She knew this was going to happen Baekhyun, so she told me to take care of you.  Even at her final moments she worried about you..She really loves you and I know you really love her. I know youre suffering righ now Baekhyun, so please...Go back to the boy we all know and love.."  I looked in to his eyes and my heart broke.

The look in his eyes was so gut wrenchingly sad. He look like he just broke. My grandmother was right....

The eyes really are the gateway to the soul...


Baekhyun POV

She...Knew? She was worried about me? " Baekhyun cry." I looked at him and he had tears running down his face. I felt something crack inside me. Tears came rushing down and he threw his arms around me. Sobs ripped through my throat as I cried on Chanyeols shoulder. He just stroked my back and whispered soothing thnigs in my ear.

Having him around is such a relief because I was so lonely and depressed. My entire family avoided talking to me. They would just glance at me and  pretend as if they didnt see me.  It was to the point that I began to wonder if it was somehow my fault. The pain is so unbearable I just want to disappear.

It hurts...

" I love you Baekhyun." He whispered in my ear and it made the pain go away. I went to say it back but a strangled sob came instead. I moved my shaky hands to his back and hugged him tightly.

" G-Guys the service is about to start." Suho half shouted. " Lets go Baek."

" Dont leave me..."  He let go off of me and held my hands. " I wont." I nodded and he kissed me with a smile. 


Chanyeol POV

We sat down for the service, and Luhan pulled me away for a second. Baekhyun looked so sad and lonely when I left. " Make this quick."

" You know the song we picked to sing?" I nodded. " A-Appearently it was the song his grandmother used to sing all the time.." My eyes went wide.

" Really?" He nodded. " I just wanted to tell you really quick. Baekhyuns mom is happy we are doing it." I smiled. " Thats good."

MachineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon