Chapter 10~ Vampire Life

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* * Heyy Guys and Gals, I know another short chapter but, I want you to know that I don't want to be writing long chapters only to give you them only every other week or so. So in return I will be writing a bunch of shorter chapters as a way to keep things moving. As I must also admit that I have joined Jazzercise and have been really sore from the great results. So I will write but, it will have to wait until nearly dawn or the weekends. Still I want to let you all know ILY!! * *


(Elena's POV)

Damon and I just parted from perhaps the greatest kiss of my life. He made my stomach turn and my heart feel like it was still beating. I was able to see him as himself as if for the first time. The details that were now visible because of my improved sight and the magnified capabilities of my senses. The one sense that was especially sensitive was that of smell. It was when Damon had let his tongue touch my fangs as they dropped that my veins in my face tightened. It was that moment that I had a burn in my throat as I knew I would have to feed. Damon noticed this as he asked me to follow him outside as we were to go out to hunt. I was nervous but the feeling I got about just thinking of blood made up for it. I mean it's almost like I'm a crack addict whose been clean for a year, turned to chocolate, and still had a bag on me just in case. Yeah, it really was like that. Maybe even more considering I was really for the stash on my person, which would be going out for blood in my reality. Odd right?

(Damon's POV)

The demon within her has already decided to erupt. Elena's fangs have exposed themselves as I was able to catch the thoughts of her thirst as they bounce around within her head. I decided to take her out myself as I was going to surprise her and join her once to be on 'the Stefan diet' besides, I could go for a good boost of rabies about now. But I ask her as her face darkens, and the veins curl, as her brown eyes turn scarlet if she wants to go out. She agrees as the two of us wisp out the door before the start of the woods.

The air is slightly cool as a heavy breeze carries into the trees and I catch a whiff of a pack of deer. I can smell a few squirrels and a few rabbits as I turn to Elena briefly. "Follow me and we'll go from there, okay?" I ask her as she nods and hesitates. I notice her wanting to comment as it takes her another second to wonder. "How to I not run into any trees?" she asks with a sort of embarrassment on her face. "It's just like average running. Except now you go faster." I say as she nods with a smile and I take off into the average darkness of the woods. The moon is full and casts a certain amount of light but, with our sort of vision we can see things as if in a sort of nighttime view. I can catch her scent as I trail through looking for the presence of any sort of life. I catch up to Elena as she has paused within a small clearing of the trees. She is looking up in the direction of a tree where there are a pair of squirrels and across from which there is a grouping of deer. I look at her as I tell her mentally, lets go after a pair of deer over across the clearing. She nods as I then give her a plan to capture. Then if things don't work out we can figure something else. Time to execute. We both wisp towards getting on either side of the group. She and I paused behind a couple trees before heading onto wrestling our capture down to the soiled Earth. I was able to paralyze mine as I realized I didn't see Elena any longer. I allowed my catch to lie on the ground as I got up and looked briefly for her. Glancing around I could see a dark shadow hunched over on the ground. I approached cautiously as I smelt the blood of a deer and the scent of Elena's perfume. Her first hunt and she was already celebrating, that's my girl. >D As I approached I narrowed my hearing as I could hear the ending of the blood supply as the gulps she took got shorter and shorter, as I paused and, she stopped. I saw her getting up as she turned to face me with a smile. "It was okay but, personally yours was better as I think of it now." She said to me with a grin as her face loosened and her eyes returned to a deep chestnut color. I smirk as I nod with a response, "Of course it was, animal never compares to human or well, eternal stud." I finished as I raised my collar and made her laugh. I loved her laugh, it was almost as if a dozen of the best songs ever played in my head as loud as a live show. She was that memorable. "You are that, you are Mr. Salvatore" she said catching me slightly off guard as I covered my tracks fast. "Why thank you future Mrs. Salvatore." She blushed as I said my words as she then put her hands on my shoulders and leaned inwards. Her breath sends an unfamiliar chill through my body as her breath is cool like the air. The tip of her nose brushes mine as her eyes reach into my demonic heart. I briefly thought to myself as I believed that Satan had it in for me. As I realized that Elena could read my thoughts I saw her shake her head as she looked at me. Blankly I couldn't tell what emotion she had as an effect of what she had heard inside my head. I decided to ignor it as she came closer. My mind began to buzz as she disconnected our eye contact. Instead she came in contact with me as my eyes shut and I felt the softness of her skin. Her lips against mine and my arms wrapped around her waist. We had turned to have my back to a large oak tree as I felt the same warmth that had earlier been within her heart. As I felt the contact lessen I open my eyes to see her doing the same. She blushes with a coy smile as she then darts off towards the house. Damn it, I think to myself as she was able to get to me that way. She always was able to get to me, was I getting soft? Me, Damon Salvatore soft? Nah, but I had to go after her.

(Elena's POV)

I went hunting with Damon for the first time. He had come out with me as I had promised to Bonnie I'd give the Stefan diet a try. However the memory of drinking the blood of Damon was so much more pleasureable then sinking my teeth into a furry little demon. I think I might try either human blood or see if I could nibble off of Damon occasionally. Just to see if its as good as it is in my memories. But once I had taken down a buck, which was rather easy with this incredible strength Damon had come to fin me. The sweetest part was it wasn't because he was done with his but, rather he came out to show me as well as get one in case if my own got away. Not the bad ass Damon I use to know, right? I know, I have a certain way of getting to him. He just doesn't want to admit it. I know it might just, scare him a bit to think of. But returning to the evening I decided that I too had a gift to Damon. As I had talked to Kat on the ride back home from New York as I allowed that she and Stefan go to the lake house if they wanted. Kat agreed as she wanted to enjoy the heat and the wonderful lake at the house as Stefan was going to be her driver as he didn't trust her behind the wheel. I had Damon and the boarding house all to myself and I had a plan. As I led Damon on, getting his mind buzzing and senses too I slipped him into a kiss. A rather long one as I allowed him to get distracted by how close I was to his face as I looked deep within his eyes. I could see the kindness within him as I let my lips touch his. The slight warmth of his on mine as I allowed him to enjoy it. Let the temperature rise as I would lead his blood to nearly boil with lust. Then as I pulled away I watched as he slowly opened his eyes as I flashed him a smile. Followed by a breeze brushing his skin as I wanted to lead him back to the house. Ah, I knew I would like being a vampire...

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