Chapter 11~ My Love for Damon Salvatore

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(Elena's POV)

I ran to through the woods with the blueprints of the night running around within the interior of my mind. The details kept scrolling through my head as I entered the boarding house and got the basket of things Kat had gathered from the hall closet.

 I took out the candles and turned off the lights as I set a lit candle on the bottom half of the L-shaped stairs. Then I wisp down the stairs to leave false rose petals at the door and up the stairs as I wisped up to the second floor. I left assorted lit candles at the top of the stairs and outside the door of his room as the light cast shadows on the walls of the hall. I then hurried as I could begin to pick up traces of Damon's thoughts of getting a flirtacious revenge. I just giggled silently as I went to the dresser and got out the new babydoll night set. I slipped out of my navy dress from the party as I changed. I put on the spaghetti strapped deep v-cut top with lace trim and babydoll style. The black lace trim contracted to the sapphire color and matched the ruffle boy shorts. Once ready I slung my dress over the desk chair and lit the candles that were always on the night stands in place of lamps. Dimming the lights I could hear Damon coming to the stairs as I sat on the upholstered backless bench on the end of the bed. Listening in on his thoughts I could hear his comments on the candles. He thought of how mushy the gesture was and how I was still the driven romantic like in the books I have always read. Hearing him approach the door and swing it open I smiled slyly as he focused his eyes on me. He seemed to almost blush as mentally he admitted how stupid he had been to believe that I was just toying with him. It was sort of funny as in reality that was what I had planned to do. Damon approached me as I stood as gave him a sort of smirk. One which was flirty, but also held enough sass to make him realize that he should have believed that there was more to me leading him on. That is, as I talked about what his blood had tasted like and tempting with a kiss. I would have thought he would figure out the plan behind it all, if only he was a little bit better of a mastermind. XD

"You look beautiful and, I am a true idiot for not catching on sooner, yes." Damon told me as he held me in his arms and I slung mine around his neck. "Thank you, and yes, yes you are" I spoke with a heavy coat of sarcasm in my voice. Damon smirked at me as he shrugged with a nod accepting the current truth as he came towards me. "Sometimes I can be an idiot" he trailed off with a grin as he conclueded it with a gentle touch. His now warm to my touch lips against my own and the gentle flesh so kind. I pulled away slightly to nod as I then let the two of us stumble into a deepend flow of kisses. He held onto me like a great treasure as I ran my hands through his hair. Our lips mingled together as I could feel a certain heated passion rise between us. I felt like myself but as a truely strong and willful women as I had the strength to pin Damon to the matress of the poster bed. He simply gazed at me mesmorized by something about me as we continued to kiss. His lips made me fall into a hazy dream as I could feel his fangs as I gained entry with my tounge. He temped me as he reveresed roles and I felt his touch on my fangs. It was odd to be able to feel what it was like for him to have fangs as he and I continued. As I felt his touch and the sensational passion which led for his shirt to come off and his dress slacks. He paused and checked my readiness. I nodded for the two of us to continue. I had changed and I knew that I wanted to be with him forever. I would show him that in anyway and I believed that this was the first step. 

As I understood it maybe odd when I become Stefan's sister-in-law as we once were relatively intamate but, the truth is he is more or less the maternaly-over protective sort of person. Almost like Miss Jay, in the fun sort of mannor that only a gay man could offer. (But I would allow Stefan to come out when he was ready and wanted to.) Maybe he would accept me in time for the holidays so, I wouldn't have to deal with them trashing the house.

 My mind reconnects as Damon's lips leave mine and he trails down to my neck. Teasing me he drifts down around the base of my neck towards the center of my chest. I close my eyes as I feel the softness of his lips travel down my chest and stop on my stomach.

There wasn't an inch of my torso that he didn't taste -- from the gentleness of my lips to the hollowed shell of lifeless organs he had explored every part. His hands carressed the spaces between my fingers to the curves of my waist. I felt this surge of desire as I tangled my fingers in his hair once more and arched my hips as the tremors of pleasure shook and took over my body. He felt each spasm as acutely as if we were connected to one another somehow.

(Damon's POV)

Elena has just left me after the best kiss I had ever had with her, (well besides the one when I was dying but, still incredible). She was able to reach into my chest and squeeze my heart to allow it to beat and to get my temperature to rise. Everything about her made me feel stronger and yet fragile as I knew she was always able to tear me away from my demonic nature. As she even as a human believed that there was hummanity left within me and saw the Damon I was more than a century ago. She was different, as in she knew of all of the evil in the world but still belived in fairytales, love, and storybook endings. The things that I had once believed were only the frosted mirrors that made human girls so foolish and easy to manipulate. Elena though was different, she was because she was the only one that didn't have to use compulsion to have me love her. I chose that fate on my own which is why I become a sensitive ball of marshmello goo like Stefan around her. That is why I gave her what she wanted. Because to be honest I knew that it would be what she would have wanted as a wedding present or as a gift durring the holidays. Only I beat her to the punch as I gave her what she wanted and what I knew she wanted. The fairytale ending and the eternaty with me. However she gave me a gift that even I was surpised of, herself.

When I went back to the boarding house I could tell Elena was still inside and moving around. She was up to something as she was guarding me from her head as I believe she was talking to herself. However I chose to find her and find someway for her to play for her earlier teese on me. When I opened the front door though, the interior was dark. The lights were all shut off and there was the flicker of candles which dimly lit the halls as i saw rose petals leading up the stairs. Elena had read the Fabio tales as she had come across them in her Aunt Jennas things and had mentioned how romantic this sort of thing was. I thought it was a little corny but, mostly sweet as I sensed something up with her. I found out when I followed the trail of candles to our room and found her waiting for me.

She was in a new lingerie set and took my heart away as I realized what she wanted. As the two of us had been together she made it clear that she didn't want things to be that way. I understood as she wasn't like the others. I wouldn't use her and dispose of her as I had always believed we could end up together. I walked closer to her as she and I joked of my earlier stupidity and I held her in my arms. I always wanted to hold onto her and never let go. My instinct made it seem like this all was a dream and one day and she wouldn't be beside me anymore. That being said, I have to admit that she as a vampire was so hot. She was able to force my mind into a frenzy that was so much more than that I got from fresh blood. Her lips and the curves of her body were that of a godess and I was under her spell. So much in a haze she was able to in me to the bed as I was able to feel her fangs as they dropped. I swept my tounge along the top two as I puropusly allowed her to get a taste of my blood. Only a drop or two but it was enough to get her inner demon come out and not even realize it.

Before long our bodies moved together and rocked her void given from her empty soul at the intensity of the feelings that swept through me -- feelings that were by turns shaky, sure, gentle, savage, generous, greedy. With the last shreds of her self-control, I held on until she felt more tremors shake her body. Then the passion eploaded as she fell into my arms lying beside me as we both lie bare on the bed. Her hand on my chest as her face peered as mine. The deep amber color in her eyes staring at me and reflected the blue pigments of my own. Each strand of her brunette hair falling to her shoulders and flowing down to her back. Only the scarlet of the satin sheets between us as I shut my eyes and she swept back my hair from my face.

She paused when I slowly opened them shortly after she herself had stopped and let the atmoshere grow still. I look at her as she blushes softly at me and I look at her with a coy smirk. "I love you, Elena" I say to break the scilence. "I love you too, Damon Salvatore" she responds with out hesitation as she leans forth to grace our lips. She then looks at me as I pet her hair and gaze at her. wondering whether I should tell her of the bond or wait she looks at me and nodds. Damn it, I think as I realize that she had been reading my thoughts I quickly try to explain the effects of the bond. Instead she covers my mouth with her hand and tells me, "I know what it is, I was hoping the tip of likeing the taste of your blood would tip you off." She then smirks at me once more as she certainly is smarter at me at the manipulation of me as I melt like putty in her hands.

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