Chapter 18~Goodbye (Epilogue)

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Yes, this is the end of this crazy ride and thank you all for joining me. Please enjoy the last chapter <3 -Mel  


  (Elena's POV)

Well it's already been nearly two year since Damon and I have married and well over the time since I've become a vampire as well. I never would have thought that my life would be like this after the accident. But the fact that it has is perfectly fine with me. Enough of me though, as I bet you want to know about all the things that have happened within the last year.

Well to start, Jeremy and Bonnie got back together and he is now in the process of purposing to her. He is still pestering me with how to do it and what ring he should get her but, it's a good thing I was able to get his credit card off of him without him noticing. I bought the perfect pear diamond ring with lapis accents bordering with moonstones to the sides cut in heart shapes. It's perfect because I remember Bonnie mentioned it when we were planning for my wedding/engagement and she had wanted it for whenever she were to get engaged.

Aside from that, Klaus broke the sire control he had over Tyler so he would stop being his puppet. For that wonderful news Caroline finally decided that she would give him another chance and the two are giving it another try.

As for Alaric he sold his little apartment outside of mystic falls and now lives with Jer, since he is still one year short of being 18. The two are doing well and have adapted the house into a total bachelor pad. Aside from my old room which they kept the way it was once I took all my personal items out and, have it ready for me if Damon ever decides to be an ass to me and needs to be 'beat up'. As for Alaric he is single still but, has become principal of the high school while remaining the history teacher. Yeah which apparently me getting him the principal gig was a complete shock. When Damon and I sort of/ kinda killed her and some other guy when we were drunk and hungry. But no matter he likes it so far, although he refuses to wear a suit and just settles for he 'Damon look' of dark jeans and button up dress shirts. But I can say that he can pull off a sweater vest in that look very well.

As for Klaus, he and Elijah have made amends. He has also brought his family back to life and his parents moved back to London. He lives in New York with a half vampire half witch who turned out to be Gloria's goddaughter. Elijah has remained within Mystic Falls helping Tyler from going crazy with his new found bloodlust and temper as well as helped Carol Lockwood by becoming mayor. He's done good as he and Carol have an organized plan where he does the decisions and paperwork and stuff while she remains his secretary and helps him figure out some of the more social elements.

As for Stefen and Kat, the two gave it another go and didn't have it work out. So now she has moved to California and chooses to snack on celebrities as she lives in a mansion in Beverly Hills. Her all-star neighbor being Ellen Degeneres, who has grown fond of Kat enough to know her secret of being a vampire and has become one alongside with her wife. So the three are tight as can be and are always trying to prank each other now with their new skills. Stefen, well he and Rebecca are back together since his ripper days and the 20's and they seem really happy. She's mellowed out a bit and has forgiven Klaus for what he did to their mother all those centuries ago. Stefen has also returned to animal blood once and for all, bringing Rebecca with him to the vegetarian side of life.

As for me I am beyond wonderful as Bonnie had a Vision about her engagement and so sort of ruined things for Jer a bit but, saw that I had picked out her ring. So with the help of Klaus she was able to help me forget my one regret of becoming a vampire. She was able to ask Klaus for a spell which was their mother's and made it so that I am now the wonderful mother to a set of fraternal twins. A small brown-eyed black hair boy named Demitri and a blue-eyed dark brunette girl, Isobella. Damon was weirded out a bit that it worked and that I was only 'pregnant' for a month but, he has never been happier to hold his baby girl and boy in his arms. As well as Bonnie is beyond excited to being an aunt and Caroline being a godmother. My wonderful twins are now at the appearance of about six year olds after about a ten month span. They came out nearly as I'd they we're six months old and grew at a six month rate per actual month. However they are still the most lively toddlers in the world. Luckily they have stopped their rapid growth and will begin to age year by year until they are eighteen. Then their vampire capabilities and thirst will begin to settle in as they transition before they turn eighteen.

(Damon's POV)

So I assume Elena has told you about everyone and what we and they are up to already so I'll go ahead and finish up for her.

Well I have a beautiful baby girl, Isobella is a tough comparison of beauty versus her mother. She has the deepest of blue eyes that I have ever seen, even compared to my own. However her soft facial features and lavish brunette hair almost looks black in the simplest change of lighting. Elena's is similar now as her hair looks nearly black all the time with the subtle look of brunette highlights. No matter the looks, I could never imagine within the century and a half I have been a vampire that I would ever be able to have the gift of children. As I finally realize how in all sorts of media proclaim that a parent would do anything for the life of their child. They are exactly right as that can not only be said for Demitri an Isobella but for Elena as well. I would be more than content with taking a wooden dagger for the assurance they would all still be existent. As much as Elena feels the same way and constantly tells me through her thoughts and our shared dreams at night. It perhaps was one of the single moments of my life to become a father; aside from my wedding, and meeting Elena. Speaking of which, she has become more accustom to drinking blood. As she can enjoy the fine taste of human blood or animal without disgust. However both of us still enjoy the splendor taste of one another's eternal blood as nothing else can compare. I have also have come to terms with my brother as he and Rebecca are back together again and with his ripper past where it most certainly belongs, in the past. He seems happier as Rebecca turned to animal blood with him and it seems like the old, annoying Stefan is back. He and I have decided to burry the hatchet as I have grown of our arguments as it seems so much more than a waste of my and his own time. Especially when I could be spending it with Elena and the kids. Speaking of which, I am beyond excited as Demitri wants to join his first grade tee ball team and is quite well if I do say. He can just hit within the in field but, he is an excellent catcher and throws along the straight and narrow. As for my little girl she has taken up ballet and is so stunning as she is able to move so gracefully and looks adorable in her tutus, leotards, and assorted costumes of the two. She just her mother melts my heart as my son just makes me fill with joy as he is so innocent and yet always makes me proud.

So Elena and Damon grew up with their friends moving on and finally coming to peace with the skeletons stowed in the back of their closets. As well as Elena now having Bonnie as a legal sister as their friendship has brought her and Jeremy beyond all extents of being close. Klaus, Elijah, and the res of the original family blended into society as they too had come to terms and dealt with their issues. While sheriff Forbes now accepts Caroline as she is while making sure that her husband will never come back to town with the intent of harming Caroline ever again.

Finally Mystic Falls has fallen into an era of peace aside from the typical high school drama or politic issues but, rogue vampires, werewolves, and everything else that made the town odd finally settled down.


Hey guys and gals alike!

So finally my story/ fanfic of Damon and Elena ending up together has ended. While this maybe the end I hope it won't be for all of you who read this and, I hope you choose to read some of my other works.

I do want to tell you all how much I appreciate you all, aside from all of the wonderful comments, the encouragement to keep write and the votes!!! As I am happy to say that this work is currently my most popular/successful. But I was only the writer and all of you as my readers made I possible, so THANK YOU!!!

But enough of me babbling as I just want to leave you with a side note of an upcoming story I will be writing...

So I read this 10 page Ebook that was free on iTunes and thought it was wonderful but, needed more detail a little stronger plot and to be a bit longer. That is where I come in as I hope to change a couple of characters and to make the main idea of things (plot) into my next story. So look out for some new postings from me as I hope to update a bit more now that I have my iPod and just type 'notes' of my stories and email them to my laptop to be posted.

:D ily!

-Mel <3

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