Part 15

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*rachel's pov*
"Ok guys I'm leaving." I said as I prepared to exit the studio. Another successful day of post production. A rough outline of the film would be ready by next month and we were already getting some good press around the movie.
"Bye Rachel. Get some sleep!" My assistant director Lucy called out behind me. She was right about me not sleeping much. I was throwing myself into work to forget about everything that unraveled a month ago. Yes he was broken up with her but I didn't know if I could possibly fit into his crazy life.
I convinced myself the only reason he would think of me is when he saw the 'r' on his right hand.
I arrived at my apartment, exhausted and ready to crash.
"Hey." I said as I saw Jasper sitting on the couch. Arielle was in the kitchen making tea. I yelled back in the kitchen "hey Arielle".
"Hey hey." when she saw me she hurriedly put her cup down and rushed over to me.
"What what?" I asked, not sure what her excitement meant.
"I think you should hear something." She picked up her phone and went to unlock it.
"I don't know I'm kind of tired." I wasn't in the mood.
"Trust me you will want to hear this." She scrolled through looking for something. She stopped when she landed on what she wanted to find. It was the Buzzfeed app, which meant Jasper knew whatever I was reading as well, and it was open to an article that read "Zayn Malik Releases New Song and We Are Obsessed".
I quickly scrolled down to see what they were talking about. I decided to read this next portion aloud.
"Zayn Malik has released a new song entitled 'R'. We are going to call it early and say it is one of the songs of the year. He pours out his heart in his new single that will be followed by an album release later this year. The singer also has a tattoo on his right hand of the letter. Now the real question: who is R?"
I wanted to throw up my lungs. I wanted to lie down on the floor. I wanted to collapse. All just in pure shock.
"What is this?" I asked Arielle. I handed her phone back to her.
"I haven't listened to the song yet in case you didn't want me to." She was very thoughtful.
"I'm just going to go to my room." I turned quickly on my heels and shut the door to my room behind me.
I immediately pulled out my laptop and went to Twitter.
I went on Zayn's Twitter, which I had muted to save me some emotional trauma, and clicked on the link he tweeted to the song along with

This song means a lot to me x

I played the song possibly 20 times. I listened to every lyric and every way he sang it, over and over.
He actually cared about me. Some of the lyrics were so specific that he must care.
It felt cheesy to go weak at the knees when a boy serenades you, but he released a song, to millions of people, about me.
I paced in my room for what felt like an hour, just trying to decide what to do.
My best plan of action that I could come up with was to go and talk to him in a week after the story has died down a little. I knew that if I immediately went to see him then they would see me leaving his apartment and they would see the tattoo. I wanted to talk to him but I wanted to also protect his privacy. So I waited.
A week passed and I was finally building up the courage to go over and see him. So far the song was doing really well and had gone to number 1. I suspected that the buzz of finding 'R' would have died down by now. I woke up on the day that I decided to talk to him, to my phone completely blowing up on my bedside table. New Instagram followers, new Twitter followers, everything.
I was extremely confused before I checked Twitter. Tons of people had tweeted me the article.
"We Think We Found 'R'". It was from a trashy pop culture website that I never believed until now.
I started to scroll while my heart pounded abruptly in my chest.
The article read: One of the youngest directors in Hollywood is rumored to be the subject of Zayn Malik's affection in his new song. Rachel Dalton, 21, is the director of the new movie Sweet Disposition (out in July). The director was discovered on Instagram with a corresponding 'Z' tattoo to Malik's 'R'. The director is followed on Twitter and Instagram by Malik and has been spotted leaving his apartment complex before.
Malik's representatives have been reached out for comment.

I put down the phone while it kept buzzing uncontrollably. A deep panic set in my heart that I did not know how to get rid of. I didn't know how this news would effect either of us. Right now it was only rumors but the facts were clear. I wish I hadn't uploaded that picture, where my tattoo was clearly showing, to Instagram.
I didn't know where else to go. So I followed my instinct. And I went to find him.
I drove to his apartment where there thankfully weren't any cameras. Someone let me in so I did not have to buzz. I walked straight to his door.
No one else was in the hall but I was still anxious. I knocked on the door like I had many times before.
I waited for a moment before he opened the door. You could clearly see the surprise.
"Hey." I said to him. I let a slight laugh that came from the idea that I was back here even after all that has happened between us.
The thing about Zayn, and this is my favorite thing about Zayn, he has a smile that I swear could stop wars. He smiled his lovely smile and my anxious heart got warm. He was happy to see me.
"Hey." He said.
I could hold it back any longer. I quickly stepped toward him, lightly placed my hand on the side of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He quickly reciprocated. I hadn't kissed him since the first time in the tattoo parlor but it still felt as magical. He pulled me closer to him with his arms around my waist. When he held me I felt like I was home. Like both him and I radiated love. I knew I loved him. I had known for awhile deep down. I knew when he came in that diner and changed my world completely.
"I'm guessing you heard the song." He said as he broke away for a moment.
"Yah I did" I laughed a little. "I'm guessing you know that they found out who I was."
His face changed to one of shock "oh no I had no idea. I'm so sorry I never intended-"
I cut him off when I pecked his lips once more.
"It's fine. I don't care anymore."
I hugged him around his neck tightly.
He said softly "I'm not letting you get away again. I love you." And he hugged me tighter.
My heart soared knowing he felt the
same way about me that I did him.
"I love you too."

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