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Barrones P.O.V:

We finally pull up in Cardiff, what should have been a short journey turned into a crazy one. “make sure we never leave Drew in a service station again” I sigh tiredly “agreed” everyone chorus’s. We all look out of the windscreen expectantly. After a moment Kier breaks the silence “so what do we do now?” we all look to each other for answers “well we could go to the venue” Laurence muses “yeah I guess there will be fan waiting already we could say hi and unpack” Kier smiles. Drew suddenly grins “oh God catering will be there I want to make them make me a sandwich” he giggles excitedly “we have India for that” Luke says trying to remain serious. India glares at him before hitting him on the head playfully “I’ll never a sandwich again!” she declares “but you’re sandwiches’ are the best” Drew whines “fine I’ll never make Luke a sandwich again” India teases “Hey wait a minute I thought my sandwiches’ were the best!” Kier exclaims. Soon they all fall into dispute bickering amongst themselves “I’m going for a walk” I say quietly slipping out of the van unnoticed.

I quietly walk the streets of Cardiff unnoticed. It’s nice for a change normally when I’m with Kier people can’t help but notice his loud mouth or bright red hair. I walk around for a while observing people going about their daily lives. I notice a blue banana and decide to go and have a look inside. We have a signing in a few days so I should have expected to see posters of our band but they still caught me off guard. I notice a girl in a FVK top so I quickly rush out. Normally I love to meet fans but I need a little downtime before tour officially starts it can get pretty intense. I walk without purpose for a while until I arrive at a train station. I’m not sure what it is about train stations, maybe I just enjoy watching people go out on adventures and their lives rush by, whatever it is something makes me comfortable at them. I walk over the bridge to the second platform and sit down to sketch. I’m busy sketching when I briefly look up to notice a girl a little further down the platform crying softly. There are a few others around but no one seems to either notice or care. I get up debating whether to go see if she’s okay or not, I’m worried she’ll think I’m a creep. Just as the electric buzzes down the line I notice her take a deep breathe and begin to walk with purpose towards the edge of the platform. Before I know it the train is pulling into the station and she’s nearing the edge of the platform. I run the last few feet and grab her wrist yanking her back sharply as the train pulls in. Her hood falls down to reveal blue hair and I instantly think of India.

Drews P.O.V:

We finally stop bickering over who makes the best sandwiches’ and decide to go inside the venue. All this talk of sandwiches’ has made everyone hungry and it’s about lunchtime anyway. We grab our passes placing them around our necks when I realise we have an extra pass “hey guys where’s Barrone?” everyone looks around suddenly realising he’s gone “oh God where is he? What if someone took him?!” India panics “It’s okay he likes to go for walks before shows” Laurence explains “did he take the keys with him?” I ask. Luke runs back to the van and rummages around in the glovebox finding the spare keys and waving them in the air “apparently not” Kier sighs “wait you guys leave Keys ... in the glovebox? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET THE VAN STOLEN!” India screams. “whats this about vans being stolen?” a voice asks. I turn around to see Andy Biersack lighting a cigarette. If I’m honest I’m a little shocked, I mean I know we’re touring with them but I don’t know I didn’t expect to meet him like this. “oh these idiots decided to leave the keys in the –” India turns around suddenly realising who asked and shuts up immediately. Andy laughs “for someone with such bright hair you appear to be quite shy lady” before taking a drag on his cigarette. At this point Luke’s caught back up and is standing behind India “he won’t bite you know” he murmurs kissing her briefly “so I’m assuming you’re Lukes girlfriend nice to meet you” Andy smiles holding his hand out.

India’s P.O.V:

Andy Biersack’s hand is literally right in front of me. What the fuck do I do? I guess I should shake it? I should definitely shake it. Why aren’t I fucking shaking it? I suddenly thrust my hand out to meet his embaressed by my mini not so internal breakdown “Christ your hands are cold!” I exclaim flinching “oh yeah they do that” he laughs. “Ah thought I’d find you out here you can’t stop smoking for more than five minutes you’re nearly as bad as me” a voice proclaims. I look up to see William control standing in front of me. I make some kind of inhuman noise then flush bright red. “who’s this adorable thing she seems bloody shy does she not?” William laughs. I stand rooted to the ground in shock. This is not how meeting the fellow tour mates was supposed to go. “oh hey guys” William laughs exchanging ahnd shakes and hugs with the guys “I’m pretty sure bashful is Lukes girlfriend” Andy jests. “wow you’ve been here 5 minutes and you got yourself a tour name India you’re one of us!” Drew laughs “tour name?” I finally manage to whisper “wooly, philnan, bevers – well you get the idea” Laurence laughs “I think I’m going to take you inside now you look like you’re about to pass out” Luke frowns grabbing me by the waist and leading me inside.

We walk through a maze of corridors, how we don’t get lost is beyond me, until we find a room with a sign on the door that reads ‘Tonight alive, Chiodos and Fearless Vampire Killers’. Luke opens the door not even bothering to knock and immediately leads me to a sofa “I’m going to find water I’ll be back okay” he smiles before disappearing again. “hey I’m jen!” a friendly Australian voice proclaims. I look up to see Jen from Tonight Alive standing mere feet away from me I manage to mumble “hi” quietly without throwing up. I feel rather impressed. “first tour hey? They took you on a freaking big one. Don’t worry about me I won’t bite” Jenna laughs “ah okay” I say slightly shaky “love the hair by the way” she grins just as Luke reappears “I see you made a friend” he smiles “I kinda just spoke at her” Jenna laughs “yeah I think she’s a little shocked we probably shouldn’t have taken her straight on kerrang tour as her first” Luke laughs “well it’s a good way to lose your tour virginity I guess” a guy laughs walking in. Fucking hell it’s craig owens. I can’t help myself, I throw up everywhere.

A/N: Well they finally made it to kerrang tour! A lot of other bands are going to start appearing now I'll try not to confuse anybody. So India threw up everywhere, people can act odd when start struck I think that's probably how she would have acted (look at me talking about her as if she's a real person). Anyway this is the weekend upload I've just uploaded it today as I skipped school again, aparently we're not legally obliged to attend lessons when on "study leave". I'm a bit busy tomorrow as I have 5 hours of revision at school (maths and history) and it's my 16th birthday, I'll have to remember to thank my parents for having me in the middle of exam season. Hope everyone enjoyed it, hopefully I'll upload another chapter before midweek as I'm not actually doing anything for my birthday (all of my friends are busy) I wouldn't be surpirsed If I write a few chapters tomorrow, Becki

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