Signed Napkins

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Laurens P.O.V:

I feel someone’s breath on my neck and open my eyes to see Kier sleeping next to me. I sit up wiping the sleep from my eyes. Either he’s gone to sleep before he should or we’re late. I sigh grabbing my phone out of my pocket 8:01. Feeling slightly anxious I tap Kiers shoulder. He doesn’t respond so I tap it a few times become more anxious. In the end I begin shaking him panicked “WHAT THE-” Kier shouts eye flying open terrified. I sigh in relief “You weren’t supposed to sleep for another hour” I say shakily beginning to calm down. Kier looks at me guiltily “I’m sorry” he says quietly. “it’s fine come here” I murmur holding him close “I just get worried” I sigh lifting his fringe gently and inspecting his stitches “you need a shower” I mumble “and you need to calm down your heart is going so fast right now” Kier says wide eyed “well we have an hour and the hospital is only a 30 minute drive away” I smile “coffee sounds great” Kier laughs predicting my exact thoughts.

Kiers P.O.V:

The good thing about Costa is it’s coffee is brilliant. The bad thing however at 8:30am is the queue of office workers after their early morning coffee for work. I guess I shouldn’t complain I have the luxury of being able to sleep half the day normally. Though their hours are set the band is my life. A woman shouts “next please” interrupting my train of thought. I shake the thoughts from my mind and rush to the counter smiling apoplectically “I’ll have two large skinny latte’s and two cookies please” the coffee’s are for me and Laurence and the cookies are for Drew and Shane. The timids have never really been early morning coffee drinkers. I realize I should probably have ordered one for Luke but I feel rude ordering one now so I hand the woman a note and she passes me the change looking at me like I’m crazy.

I swear I got dressed before I left the van. I look at my legs quickly. Yep skinnies. Then I realize... I didn’t have to get dressed I’m wearing what I was yesterday and I’d imagine I’m quite bloodstained right now. I shoot the barista a quick smile and move to the side allowing the next person behind me to place their order whilst I wait. I watch the second barista grab the milk from the fridge and pour the milk into the steamer before rushing over to the coffee bean grinder and pouring some into a cup. I inhale the scent. I love coffee shops I could have worked in one quite happily I think to myself. “two  large skinny latte’s and two cookies” the barista says quickly placing them on the counter in front of me. When she looks up her eyes widen “oh it’s fine I was in a bar fight” I sigh assuming she’s on about the blood as I pick up the coffee’s and cookies “oh gosh are you okay kier?” she asks before her eyes widen even more if possible and she places her hands over her mouth. I chuckle realizing she’s a fan and grab a napkin quickly. I notice the pen on the side and grab it quickly signing the napkin.

‘nice face hopefully the coffee’s as good’

I scrawl quickly before drawing a smiley face and signing it

“have a nice day” I smile handing her the napkin and walking out laughing softly. A few people look at me as if I’m mental. I’d imagine it’s quite a sight, a man cover in blood chuckling to himself. Yeah I should stop before I get arrested.

“You took your time!” Laurence taunts as I climb into the van “got served by a van she was quite shocked” I laugh “ah yeah we seem to have a fair few fans working in costa” Laurence turning the key in the ignition “or we’re just there too much” Barrone laughs from behind me. Christ what is with him sneaking around? “I smell coffee” Drew says grinning. I sigh chucking a cookie at him “score! Love you kempy” he grins ripping the wrapper off quickly and biting into it. I offer the second cookie to Barrone in a much more civilized manner “too early for sugar” he smiles shaking his head and taking the seat behind me. I hear a muffled thud and turn to see Drew has pounced onto the seat “Can I have the second one pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeee?” he begs “no way” Laurence deadpans stopping the van at the lights and taking a sip from his coffee sighing contentedly “nothing like the first sip of coffee in the morning” he smiles placing the cup back into the holder and watching the lights avidly.

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