I'll kill you in your sleep!

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Kiers P.O.V:

We’re walking through the town centre my hand grasping Laurence’s tightly when we hear a loud rumble. “who’s hungry?” Jim jokes as we all look up to the sky “I love the smell of a thunderstorm” Falkor sighs contently.  Suddenly rain pours down on us “quick inside!” Drew shouts diving into the closest shop. We all follow without hesitation apart from Falkor who looks up at the sky mesmerized and has to be dragged inside by Luke “I was going to watch the lightning” Falkor mumbles “you were going to get soaked” Laurence sighs. Everyone turns back to look at the shop to see where we have taken shelter and crilly lets out a squeal “Primark!” he shouts happily disappearing behind a clothes rail “did we really have to come into primark” Jim groans “we’ll never get him out” Nico laughs before disappearing off towards the mens section. “hey” Laurence breathes in my ear causing me to jump. Laurence begins laughing at me and continues to do so for what feels like forever until he collects himself “sorry” he chuckles straightening himself up “oh the guys are all gone” I say looking around to find us alone “they have” Laurence purrs seductively pulling me behind a display “Laurence” I frown as he pushes me against the display and begins kissing me passionately. He kisses me along my jaw line feverishly before finding his way to my mouth. He rests his hands on my hips as he runs his tongue along my lips “Laurence” I try to say disapprovingly but my breath hitches. His tongue flicks against mine and he suddenly pulls back “tease” I breathe heavily “thought you wanted me to stop” Laurence winks before nibbling my ear causing a moan to escape from me “guys we can hear you getting it on over here!” Crilly shouts before laughing hysterically “come on” Laurence sighs grabbing my wrist and pulling us out from behind the display. Crilly wolf whistles and I flush scarlet “didn’t have you down as the public type” Kier, Crilly winks before sauntering off “God I hate that man sometimes” I mumble “you love him really” Laurence laughs “not as much as you evidentially!”  Crilly shouts from the distance. I sigh heavily running my hand through my hair “right we could actually buy clothes since you know we’re here” Laurence smiles “I thought you hated clothes shopping?” I say raising my eyebrows “I do – for me.” Laurence says pointedly “I don’t need any new clothes” I frown. Laurence just grabs the waistband of my jeans in response and I frown “you need some smaller jeans” he says sadly “I don’t” I protest “you do” he says adamantly dragging me towards the skinny jeans “this is the womans section!” I exclaim “well I know for a fact you’re wearing the smallest size in mens jeans” Laurence frowns grabbing a pair of jeans off the shelf “try these” he says chucking them at me “they have flowers on the button” I grumble “no one will be looking at that but me now go!” Laurence exclaims as he shoves me in the direction of the changing rooms.


A man hands me a hanger with the number 1 on as I enter. Surely no one steals clothes from Primark? I think to myself. I walk down to the end changing room furthest from the door trying to avoid looking in the mirror at the end of the aisle. There was no point regardless because as soon as I pull the curtain back I’m met by a small cubicle covered in mirrors showing my reflection from a variety of angles. I sigh throwing the jeans on the bench and closing the curtain down behind me kicking off my shoes and pulling my jeans down quickly in one swift movement. I quickly pick up the jeans from the bench noticing the label and frowning realizing it’s going to irritate me as I try them on. I notice the label is a size ‘8’ as I glance at it. Remarkably the jeans are too big sagging at the knees and falling down at the waist. I look in the mirror for a moment disgusted by what I see before changing back into my clothes quickly and rushing out of the changing room.

Laurences P.O.V:

“hey” a voice with a strong Bristolian accent says behind me and I turn to face Jim “hey” I nod back “wheres Kier?” he asks looking around quickly “gone to try on some jeans” I smile “he buys womens?” Jim asks eyebrows raised “not normally but mens are too big now” I sigh “oh” Jim says worried “you know he’s giving Falkor a run for his money these days” Crilly says walking over “yeah I know” I sigh “what size did he get?” Crilly asks interested “8” I sigh “Falkors an 8” Jim nods “somebody mentioned my name?” Falkor says next to me causing me to jump “fuck don’t do that” I exclaim putting my hand to my chest “yeah sorry I do that anyway why are you guys talking about me?” Falkor asks cautiously “nothing bad just saying you were an 8” Jim says before disappearing off somewhere else in the shop “why were you talking about jean sizes?” he asks intreguied “Kiers buying womens now” Crilly says “speak of the devil” I nod as Kier reappears “you good to go?” I smile. Kier shakes his head placing the jeans back on the shelf “kier seriously it’s okay to wear womens Falkor does too” I say exaspherated “I know” he replies quietly going back to the jeans and grabbing another pair “I need to try these” he says before dashing off. I look at the pile he grabbed them from and grab a pair chucking them at Crilly “wow” he frowns passing them to Falkor “told you he was skinnier than me” Falkor says knowingly before chucking them back and disappearing off in the direction Jim went. Crilly looks at me worried “you know you really need to get this sorted out” he says seriously “I know” I reply my voice grave. Kier reappears suddenly “who died?” he laughs harshly putting the jeans back “are they too small too?!” I ask worried. Kier nods grabbing a pair of the same size from the super skinny section. He scurries off again quickly and Crilly turns back to face me “get it sorted” he frowns “soon before it’s too late” he shouts disappearing behind a clothes rail.

Barrones P.O.V:

Me and Drew walk around for a bit making our way towards the pj’s section. A shirt grabs my attention and I stop to look at it “hey” Nico says behind me “oh hi” I smile “look what I found” he laughs holding up a Lady Gaga shirt “did you see the Niki Minaj one?” I ask deviously “don’t even go there man” Nico says his tone suddenly dark “ooookay” I chuckle awkwardly “OHMYGODSHANE!” Drew shouts out “I better er – go?” I stutter running off towards Drew. Why does that guy hate Niki Minaj so much? “whats wrong?” I ask breathless “nothing at all in just OH AH GOD LOOK AT THEM!” Drew gestures towards a clothing rack full of various super hero pj bottoms “oh wow they’re beautiful” I breathe out grabbing a pair “they have marvel ones” Drew grins grabbing a pair “that it?” I ask demurely “yep lets go pay” Drew says excitedly before bouncing off “pancakes” I laugh shaking my head before running to catch up with him. Hardly anyone is around so we pay quickly “come on” Drew smiles grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the doors “the storms still going” I whisper “I know” Drew says happily “I don’t like storms” I whimper. Drew stops in the middle of the shop and stares into my eyes “I’ll keep you safe okay we’ll be fine” he says gently kissing me before dragging me outside. The thunder rumbles overhead and warm rain pours down on us. “I love you” Drew murmurs kissing me. My hands run through his damp tangled hair and lightening illuminates the now dark sky. I don’t know how long we stand like this tangled in an embrace kissing each other softly but the storm is over before we’re interrupted. “GUYS STOP SUCKING FACE WE HAVE STUFF TO DO!” Kier shouts childishly “way to ruin the moment” Drew murmurs still kissing me “It was perfect” I murmur back “you can’t really talk Kier” Crilly shouts in the background and I hear them break into a playful fight “should we break them up?” I ask Drew pulling away “no” he says a glint in his eye before kissing me again “seriously guys we should go” Luke sighs “oh let them have their moment” India teases.

Kiers P.O.V:

We finally manage to separate the timids from each other’s faces and begin to walk back to the van “I love the air after a storm” India grins “It smells so fresh” she adds “and it’s still slightly charged” Falkor nods “what is it with you and storms?” I ask turning to face him “Do not even go there Kier” Nico says warningly “why?” I yawn “because he will never shut up!” Jim shouts “you think you’re yawning now wait until he starts talking about storms” Jim laughs “thanks guys” Falkor says glumly “it’s okay we still love you” Crilly teases hitting him on the shoulder “oh we’re here” I say surprised “are you guys coming in the van too or?” I ask looking at ashestoangels “I brought the car” Falkor smiles “OH GOD PLEASE TAKE US WITH YOU” Crilly says melodramatically “I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE OF HIS DRIVING!” Jim shouts “not after eating” Nico mutters laughing “whats so bad about Falkors driving?” India asks “guys shut up get in” Falkor says defensively grabbing Nico and practically throwing him in the car “assault that’s assault. GUYS HELP I’M BEING ABDUCTED!” Nico shouts. Crilly and Jim just sigh “we better get in before we get man handled too” Crillys laughs “you leading Luke?” Falkor shouts getting into his car “sure!” Luke shouts back getting into the van “just don’t rear end us!” he adds causing everyone to laugh “I’M REALLY NOT THAT BAD AT DRIVING!” Falkor cries “well you’re better at it than guitar!” Crilly teases getting into the car “I’ll kill you in your sleep” Falkor mutters turning the radio on.

A/N: So we meet again here have another chapter! I realise a lot of this was about ashestoangels sorry my hoodie and tickets to Crillys birthday gig got here the day before I wrote this so I'll assume thats why. It was a bit of a filler chapter really sorry about that too! Things got a bit er heated between Kier and Laurence I'm not going to lie I've watched 23 episodes of Game Of Thrones in the last week and well there is a lot of sex and death so that may have influenced that a little. Seriously how much sex and death can they fit in that show? Anyway I'll shut up before I start ranting about GOT, hope you guys liked it,


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