Bloodied kisses

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A/N I don't know if you guys normally read the A/N at the end but you REALLY SHOULD this time even if it's just this once!

Laurences P.O.V:

“Kier stop pacing!” I exclaim exasperated. Kier frowns at me before continuing to pace “lets go for a drink” Drew sighs hanging on the edge of our bunk. I swat his hands and he falls “what the hell?” he protests before jumping on his own bunk “Kier seriously stop!” Barrone shouts also starting to get annoyed “or do it outside” he mutters under his breath. Kier frowns at him before grabbing his coat from on top of one of the amps “fine I will” he huffs opening the van door causing the cold night air to hit us. Kier visibly shudders before stepping out of the van slamming the door forcibly shut behind him.

“he’s such a diva” Shane sighs from the bunk below me “Will you shut up!” I shout pissed off. “I thought he was annoying you” Shane retaliates darkly. “fuck this” I sigh climbing down from my bunk and grabbing my hastily abandoned coat before stepping out of the van. I can see Kier off in the distance blowing puffs of cold air behind him. I debate following him before deciding I best not and walking back around to the other vans and tour buses. I knock on the big black and silver tour bus hard. After a few minutes a drunk CC stumbles out “Lauernence maaan” he slurs drunkenly. I sigh realizing they’re probably all hitting the hard stuff in there “wanna joihnnnn usss?” CC asks before falling off the steps and landing on the ground in front of me. I pick him up with ease “I think I’ll pass” I smile diecting him back onto the bus “yooouurrrr losss maaan” he laughs stumbling up the steps. I can hear someone, I think it’s ashely shout “PAAAAAARTTAAAAAYYYYY” inside before the door closes. I shake my head realizing Kier will probably be in a similar state soon.

I find Wil sitting on the steps to the venue smoking “you not ‘partying’ too?” I ask making air quotes as I speak the word ‘partying’. Wil laughs looking up at me “that’s a young mans game. Whats troubling you Laurence?” he asks patting the empty space beside him on the steps. I oblige sitting next to him. “what makes you think something’s wrong?” I ask “I know you well enough and the absence of Kier is never a good thing” he sighs stubbing his cigarette out and lighting another. “well...” I begin my breath making small  clouds in the cold nights air.

Lukes P.O.V:

I lie on the bed next to India playing with her hair whilst she sleeps. I can feel her breathing in and out against my chest and smile warmly. I’ll never get used to this I think happily. Suddenly she stops. I’m up in seconds shaking her “India?” “India?!” “nurse!” I shout. A nurse rushes over and calls a doctor. By the time he’s arrived she’s breathing again.

“I don’t understand” I say frustrated to the doctor “she may have a condition called sleep apnoea” he says sternly “do you know if she has a family history of it?” he asks looking up from her chart. I look over at her behind me to check she’s okay. She’s still sleeping peacefully her chest rising and falling regularly.  “I – I don’t know. Theres no contact with her family anymore” I say quietly “okay” e frowns taking more notes “does she drink alcohol?” “no” I say certain “okay how about sleeping medication?” “n- wait erm  yes” I say hesitantly “okay how long has she been taking that is it prescribed?” he asks scribbling furiously “I – I don’t know” I admit honestly “It’s not prescribed though” the man frowns looking up at me “okay well that may be the cause of the issue we recommend she stops taking it and maybe talks to her GP about the issue” he nods “h-how serious is it?” I ask frowning “well she only stopped breathing for a short period of time which is reassuring but the issue needs to be dealt with immediately” “okay” “we could keep her in for observa-” “theres no way that’ll happen” I sigh feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket “well I best go” the man smiles before turning on his heel and walking away.

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