Feeling Guilty

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Kiers P.O.V:

Laurence reappears in the van a little while after everybody left “Kier are you coming out?” he smiles sitting on the edge of the bunk I just shrug “are you okay?” “Actually ignore that stupid question” “it’s not” I mumble “is there anything I can do?” Laurence asks placing his hand in mine “I don’t know” I answer honestly “Have you tried sleeping?” “I can’t” I say quietly “do you think meeting fans Wil help?” he asks. He tries so hard he deserves better. “maybe” I say moving towards the edge of the bunk, I notice a brief smile on his face and feel much better for it.

As soon as I step out of the van I’m greeted by girls shouting my name. I wish I could say it made me feel better but for once it didn’t. I flash a fake smile regardless and hear fans exclaim how ‘adorable’ and ‘hot’ it was. I can’t help thinking they’re slightly mad, who would find me ‘hot’ or ‘adorable’ I shake the thought realizing I’m probably frowning. I notice a girl looking over gingerly but not drawing attention to herself like the others. Somehow that reminds me of Laurence. I decide maybe I’ll talk to her first. I’m on my way over when I hear the ambulance.

Lukes P.O.V:

Watching the love of my life being strapped onto a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance has to be the worst moment of my life. She looks so frail as paramedics tend to her and attach some kind of drip “are you coming?” one asks quickly and I look to Drew and Barrone who are frowning, they know the answer before it comes out of my mouth “no” I say my voice empty. I can’t shake the feeling of betrayal, she doesn’t deserve to go on her own. “one of you two?” the medic asks “we have to be on stage” Drew says guiltily “she’s not one of the band?” a medic asks moving things out of the way of the doors “she’s my girlfriend” I say feeling hollow. The medic shoots me a look that could kill before tapping the side of the ambulance and slamming the doors in our faces. I watch the ambulance drive away and feel tears fall down my face.

I hear fans shouting asking what’s wrong and Laurence trying to reassure them. I look over and notice Kier who frowns before looking away. “Fans noticed you know” Barrone says calmly as we step inside the venue again “noticed what?” “that glare you shot Kier” Drew frowns “I don’t really care. Let them notice” I sigh walking away. I figure I should unload the van but frankly I don’t care.

Laurence’s P.O.V:

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Kier climb back into the van. I nod at the excited fan before me not catching what she’d just said. “go” her friend beside her smiles at me “huh?” I ask confused. I thought she was a fan? Yet she’s telling me to leave “you’re worried about Kier right? Go we’ll still be here later” she smiles and I nod gratefully running back to the van “KIER WHATS WRONG?!” I shout as soon as the van doors closed behind me. Kier remains silent his knees drawn up to his chest. “Kier?” I murmur gently. Kier remains silent tears pricking his eyes “is this about India?” I ask sitting beside him. Kier nods “what else?” I ask, I can see something else is bothering him too “it’s nothing” he mumbles “it’s Luke” Drew says behind me. How did he get in here without me noticing? Kier says nothing his eyes darkening “Kier” I say sadly “he hates me” Kier cries breaking down in front of me. Kier breaking down has become far too common lately, I remember the doctors and dieticians warning me this would happen, how lack of food can affect the brain and your emotions. Kiers much like a child in more ways than just his tiny frame, he’s vulnerable.

“we need to unload” Drew says reluctantly behind me “sound checks in about 20 minutes” he adds quietly. Kiers breath hitches in his throat and his sobs become louder and more violent his entire body begins to shake “hey, hey come here it’s fine” I reassure him. I hear Kiers phone go off and Kier looks at it for a moment worried before continuing to cry “you should check that it might be important” Drew mumbles and I nod in agreement. Reluctantly Kier checks his phone and instantly looks relieved “what is it?” I ask intrigued. Kier hands me his phone and I notice it’s a text from Luke

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