A Welcome Surprise

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Laurences P.O.V:

We finally make it to the street of the venue with ashestoangels in tow “so Wil got you passes?” Iris asks, she’s talking to them fine now she’s not in shock “yeah and he got me cigarettes he’s a good man” Nico laughs “he’s probably smoked them by now” Luke chuckles “probably” India agrees much happier now. As we get close to the venue Crilly gets his phone out “better call wil” he unlocks it and breathes in “whats up?” I ask “nearly 200 texts” he laughs “that’s what you get when you give fans your number” Falkor smiles “repeatedly” Jim adds “on the facebook page, on ask.fm, at gigs...” India laughs “hey didn’t I give you my number once?” Crilly asks looking at India suddenly “that you did – took you a while” she laughs “well he does give everyone his number” Iris laughs “weren’t you calling Wil?” I ask “you won’t get in without the passes” Barrone says “oh yeah right” Crilly laughs dialing Wils number.

As we get to the building we see a few fans outside “Christ shows not on for another 4? Hours” Jim exclaims “yeah I mean our fans get to shows quite early but this is insane” Falkor breathes “closer to 3 but yeah our fans get to shows quite early” I say nonchalant “and bvb fans apparently” Nico says eyebrows raised at the girls covered head to toe in war paint and Black Veil Brides merch “we got time to stop and say hi?” Drew asks “not really but we will” I laugh. As we approach I hear a girl shout “it’s the used’s drummer” and Jim sighs “every fricking time”. she laughs suddenly “I’m only joking Jim” and he smiles “hey guys” Kier says getting a sharpie out of his back pocket. How is he so smooth in social situations? I think slightly bitterly.  I notice Drews already hugging a girl as is crilly, in fact everyone is talking to a fan apart from me Luke and Jim. I look over to see two girls looking over at me and whispering, shy fans are adorable I think as I walk over.

Drews P.O.V:

I’m in the middle of hugging another fan when I hear Kier shout me “Drew we gotta go” I give the girl a quick squeeze “duty calls” I laugh “hey I never found out your name?” I call as I walk away “AMY!” she shouts “WELL HAVE A NICE NIGHT AMY!” I shout back as I walk behind the buses out of sight. I notice Andy, Nico and Wil are smoking “I’ve seen chimneys smoke less” I tease as I walk inside “who even uses fireplaces now anyway?” Andy asks “hey man I do” I hear Wil proclaim as the door closes behind me. “Another venue another maze” I mutter as I begin to walk the corridors’. Luckily after 10 minutes I bump into Jen “hey lost again?” she laughs “maybe a little” I admit “well the rest of your band are at sound check and they don’t look happy” she smiles sympathetically  “oh” I sigh “come on it’s this way” she smiles warmly leading me the opposite direction to which I was walking.

Lukes P.O.V:

We’re all in sound check. Crilly is running around at the back of the hall trying to escape Nico but not doing very well, I guess he does have tall legs. “this is amazing” I hear Iris whisper excitedly to India “it is isn’t it?” she grins. I smile to myself, it’s adorable how excited they get over sound check. The drums are fine so I quickly head over to Barrone “hey not in tune yet?” I smile “no it’s being an awkward bugger” he says concentration on his face “well I’ll leave you to it” I smile walking over towards the girls “hey you seen Drew?” he grumbles “no he’s probably lost again” I sigh “we need to get a tracker on him he’s shit!” Kier exclaims. I go to agree but a voice says something before I have the chance “Well thanks Kemp” Drew grumbles running over to the stage “why did you come in that way?” I ask my eyebrows raised “It was quicker from where we were” Jen smiles “he was heading the wrong direction – again” she laughs “thanks for bringing the punk back!” Crilly laughs having stopped running momentarily. He’s suddenly tackled to the ground my Nico. Jen just watches eyes wide “well I’ll leave you guys to it” she says shaking her head before disappearing out of the door again.


Drew tunes his bass quickly luckily, Barrone however is still having trouble “hey give that here” Crilly sighs walking over and grabbing the guitar and tuning it quickly “whats up with you man?” he asks gently “I’m fine” Barrone smiles, it doesn’t look right somehow, I bet he’s still worried about the Drew/Iris situation. We’re finally all in tune at last so we play a few songs quickly. “thats okay lets go!” I grin “catering!” Drew says excitedly. At the mention of food Barrone looks happier “right lets go who’s coming Laurence asks?” There are a chorus of yes’s and we file out the hall “you coming?” I ask India and Iris “no I think we’ll chill here for a bit” India smiles “okay” I smile back quickly running over and giving her a brief kiss “LUKE C’MON” Kier shouts “okaaaay” I shout back quickly pecking India on the lips once more before running off.

Iris’ P.O.V:

I don’t realize I’m staring at Barrones guitar until Crilly’s voice snaps me out of it “go on, play it he wont mind” My head snaps up “huh?” I ask confused “you want to play the guitar, go play the guitar!” he grins “o-okay” I say slightly nervous to play in front of one of my idols. I look to India and she nods so I walk over to the stage. I try to jump up but I’m too short “c’mere” Crilly laughs grabbing me by the waist and lifting me up. “thanks” I laugh walking over to Barrones guitar lying abandoned on the stage. I pick it up and strum it quickly. It’s not in the tuning for the song I want to play. I go to tune it then think better of it and think for a moment before remembering a song in the right tuning. I start playing London town by William control and soon without thinking about it I’m singing too. I finish and look up cautiously. “I love that one” Crilly smiles “you’re talented, you can play and you sing better than me” he laughs “not that that’s saying much but really you’re voice is amazing” he grins. I say nothing for a moment, it feels surreal one of my idols saying I’m talented and I’m playing Shane Summers guitar on a stage. I shake my head for a moment in disbelief, Crilly must think I’m disagreeing with him as he goes to open his mouth but another voice calls out silencing him “he’s right I’ve not heard a better cover” I turn around and notice Wil Francis standing behind me. “h-how long have you been there” I stutter “since the moment you picked up the guitar dear” he says calmly. Well shit, I just covered one of his songs in front on him without realizing “t-thanks” I stutter again “no problem” he smiles “the guys sent me here to order you to go and get food” he smiles “I’m not really hungry” I smile slightly in disbelief that what just happened actually happened and now Wil is asking me to go and eat some dinner “Barrone won’t don’t no for an answer” he shouts as he disappears out of the stage entrance/exit again. “that man is like a ninja” I breathe in disbelief “not really we saw him” India laughs. I stand there mouth agape “you saw him and you didn’t tell me?!” I exclaim “well you’d have freaked out” Crilly smiles. I say nothing, they’re right after all.

Barrones P.O.V:

“Where the hell are they?” I sigh playing with the food on my plate “we know as much as you shane” Kier sighs “maybe they got lost?” Drew says quietly “they’re not you Drew!” Luke laughs causing Drew to pout. I stop playing with my food and stand up suddenly making Laurence who’ sitting next to me jump “I’m going to find them” I proclaim. I head into the kitchen on the way past “do you have anything left?” I smile awkwardly “my friends haven’t turned up for food” I sigh “oh the girl who likes Chinese right?” Catering laugh. India appears to have become somewhat of a legend with catering “thats her” I smile “well this just got here” the lady smiles passing me a takeaway bag “oh thanks” I smile grabbing it and rushing out. Luckily unlike Drew I have a sense of direction and make my way to the stage quickly. As I get close I hear someone playing guitar “if Crilly is playing my guitar I’m going to hit him” I mutter. I realize I can hear singing and stop for a second, the words sound familiar. I realize it’s one of our songs, I think for a second before realizing it’s mascara tears and vanilla spice. I didn’t know India could sing I muse to myself as I walk onto the stage. The smell of Chinese alerts her to my presence and she turns around, it’s safe to say I’m shocked when I realize it’s Iris and not India.

A/N: So here you go the midweek upload, it was quite a nice fluffly chapter. No blood! I dedicated this chapter to Whisperscreamer15, I dedicated the last chapter to thisonesforthefreaks as it had no dedication and the chapter had two comments, I hope you don't mind! Well I hope you guys liked it anyway,


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