Sleepy head

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Barrones P.O.V:

“I want to go help” I cry “you know you can’t Shane we’re on first” Drew sighs hugging me tighter “I just feel so-” “don’t you dare say useless you saved her life” he says “she might not even-” “stop there listen they’ll find her okay” Drew sighs hugging me tighter.

Kiers P.O.V:

I look over to Barrone crying in Drews arms “this was supposed to be fun” I sigh “it will be” Laurence sighs in response “they’ll find her” Luke adds “I hope so” I mutter “I really do”. Laurence disappears for a moment “he’s blaming himself” I say to Luke “anyone would” he mutters “yeah but Laurence he’ll take it worse” Luke goes to reply but Laurence reappears with an empty can “Catering are making you soup. Now listen you need to eat it no if’s or buts here’s the can you can check if you want to I made sure it was this one I watched but Kier you NEED to eat all of it” I just nod in response “do I have to go down to-” “you can eat it in here” Laurence smiles. Craig walks in “soundcheck was good” he sighs sitting on the sofa. I sit on the sofa fidgeting “I was ordered to bring soup” Jenna smiles passing Laurence the bowl. I take the bowl from him and sit for a minute “do- do you want us to go?” Jenna asks. I shake my head then look back at the bowl “we’ll go” she smiles dragging Craig with her.

Iris’s P.O.V:

Somehow I end up at the train station. I laugh bitterly realising my subconscious was leading me here the whole time. Was it only hours ago Barrone pulled me from the edge of the platform? “It was probably a delusion I’m crazy” I mutter playing with my Fearless Vampire Killers wristband. I look at the train timetable “20 minutes” I mumble crossing the overhead bridge to the second platform.

 I sit alone watching the electronic timetable tears blurring my vision “it’s nearly over” I sigh relived “now that’s not true” a familiar voice says. I look up to see Wil Francis “you’re not real I’ve gone mad” I sigh “Dear I am as real as the sky above you” he says softly “you must like the sky” I laugh quietly humming the Sky is falling my Aiden to myself “I do it’s a beautiful thing, it’s for lovers and poets” he says “it is beautiful” I agree “and you’d never see it again if you had your way” he says sadly “it’s a shame” I say trying to look over to the train timetable without him realising “you don’t need to know when the next train comes” he says sitting down next to me “do you mind if I smoke?” I shake my head “there’s nothing left here for me anymore” I say sadly. He just looks at me and pulls out his phone going through his contacts and calling one. He puts the phone on speaker and it only rings once before whoever he’s ringing answers “have you found her?” a familiar voice asks “how’s shane?” he asks Laurence “please tell me she’s okay he hasn’t stopped crying” Laurence says worried “I’m at the train station” Wil replies. I hear someone cry “oh god is she dead in the background” and look at Wil confused “she’s not, does shane want to speak to her?” her he asks. I shake my head at him but it’s too late. I hear Barrones voice on the phone “Iris? Iris please – please don’t” he sniffs between sobs “I won’t let her I’m bringing her back” Wil answers before cutting him off. I shake my head at him “I don’t wa-” he suddenly throws his cigarette on the ground and stands up grabbing me by the waist and throwing me over his shoulders “you don’t have much choice” he says softly “do you want to hurt Shane?” he asks. I say nothing in reply.

*time lapse*

I’ve finally given up kicking and asking him to put me down. For such a small guy he’s quite strong. “I’m surprised you could carry me this far” I sigh as he approaches the venue. A large line of fans lines the street now. We get a lot of odd looks. I’d imagine we look quite peculiar Wil dressed up in a dress up jacket carrying a blue haired teenager over his shoulder. I doubt many of the fans even know who he is. I take in all the kids in war paint. I doubt half of them know who anyone but Black Veil Brides are. “are you insinuating you’re fat” Wil frowns at least I think he frowns I’m kind of being carried over his shoulders “no I’m saying you’re short-” he interrupts me “I’m taller than you” I laugh softly “I would hope so I’m a fourteen year old girl – Also I’m surprised you have any lungs left” “me too actually” he says walking past a massive silver tour bus. I look at it behind us now “that is one big bus” I breathe “well Black Veil Brides is a big band and they need a surprising amount of storage for whisky” he laughs. We arrive at a fire door “If I put you down promise not to run?” “sure” I sigh and he puts me down but grabs my wrist for good measure.

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