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Laurences P.O.V:

After much searching I finally find the dressing room. At first I think it’s empty which doesn’t surprise me that much since we’re the only band here at the moment. Then I hear sniffling and walk over to the dressing table. I look underneath to see Kier knees drawn up to his chest. He looks like a scared child. “hey come here” I smile crouching beside him. Kier just shakes his head. I sit down crossing my legs realizing he’s not going anywhere. “whats wrong?” I ask. Kier just stares back at me wide eyed “music doesn’t seem to make you happy anymore” I start unsure where this is going “maybe after tour you should take a break”. Shit. Did I just say that?! Did I just kick Kier out of the band?!

I look back to Kier. It would appear so as he’s staring his face shocked. Things escalate pretty quickly and he’s hysterical within seconds. “Hey Kier, Kier, calm down” I say trying to soothe him as best as I can. It doesn’t seem to work so I take drastic measures and pull him from out under the dressing table and hug him tightly. He cries into my shirt soaking it, his body shaking from the force of his sobs. “Kier that came out wrong” I admit “y-you kicked me out of the band” he cries “no- no – I meant all of us no touring for a while is all” I sigh trying to fix this as best as I can. Kier stops and looks up at me eyes hopeful “so I’m still in the band?” he trembles “of course you muppet” I laugh shakily hugging him tightly “it’s just you said-” “shhhh” I soothe stroking his hair. “we need to get you showered” I sigh looking at him. He smiles slightly “and those clothes need throwing out” I laugh “but I love this shirt!” he exclaims “I’ll buy you another David Bowie shirt hell I’ll buy you 5 just get that blood stained mess away from me” I laugh turning my nose up at it.

“Fine” Kier sighs pulling it over his head to reveal his torso. I hear the door open and an audible gasp behind me. Kier suddenly looks panicked and covers himself with his arms before jumping under the desk. I can’t help but stare at his shoulder blades and his spine jutting out “Christ” a voice mutters behind me and I turn to see Barrone looking peaky. “c-can I have a shirt please?” Kier practically cries distraught from under the dressing table. I hear a zip behind me and shane chucks his hoodie in Kiers general direction. Kier grabs it then realizing he can’t put it on under the table gingerly steps out avoiding eye contact.

I hear Barrone swallow from behind me trying to keep his mouth shut presumably. Kiers only uncovered for seconds but I take it all in. His ribs jut out and his collar bones are the most prominent I’ve seen them on anybody before. His hip bones are sharp angles and his skin is stretched looking paper thin over them. Bruises litter his body though how he even got them is beyond me. “Kier I-” “Laurence please stop” he cries out crossing his arms around himself “you need to shower” I sigh “they have one here luckily” Barrone says monotone “toilets?” “yeah pretty much” Barrone replies and with that Kier is out of the room having grabbed a shirt off the sofa on his way out.

Barrone turns to face me eyes cold “are you going to ignore that?” he asks “what – no? I –” “you’ve been letting him eat as little as he wants for too long he knows he can get away with it, he won’t eat of his own accord Laurence stop fooling yourself all you’re doing is killing kier”. I stare at Barrone dumbfounded. The normal placid quiet Barrone doesn’t stand before me someone entirely different does. The final words really hit me though. I’m killing Kier. He’s right “Barrone I-” “no that was uncalled for I’m sorry” he mumbles “you’re right-” “maybe but that came out all wrong” he sighs flopping onto the sofa. I push a stray strand of hair back and scratch the nape of my neck for a moment before trying to figure out how to respond. “I know it’s okay” I sigh sitting next to him. “I was talking to him about this before you walked in actually” I say quietly “yeah?” Barrone asks leaning forward interested “I should probably talk to the whole band at once about it”.

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