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Barrones P.O.V:

I don’t even think about it I grab the small girl embracing her. Instead of her screaming or attacking me like I expected she leans into me her whole body shaking from the sobs escaping her. I pat her head before wrapping my arms around her. I hear the train pull out of the station and release her holding her at arms length. I look her in the eyes and see recognition flash in her eyes. I suddenly really look at her and notice her FVK wristbands on both her wrists. I smile sadly “nice wristbands” and she stares at me her mouth slightly agape in shock. “hey I’m just a guy don’t freak out” I mumble awkwardly “you’re – you’re Shane Summers” she stutters “Barrone” I correct with a smile “Barrone” she repeats back. I notice her holding her wrist “sorry If I hurt you” I apologise “I think the train would of hurt more” she says bluntly “that it would” I agree. We stand in silence for a moment “want to go for a coffee?” I ask, she just shrugs her shoulders before I drag her off in the direction of the nearest coffee shop.

*time lapse*

We arrive at a Costa and I go and grab us both coffees. When I sit opposite her on the table she doesn’t notice as she’s staring into the distance sadly. I go to call her name then realise I don’t know it. I cough gently “hey erm hi” I mumble. She looks up and the sadness in my eyes almost kills me. I don’t know the girl but the pain in her eyes is obvious “coffee” I smile gently pushing her coffee towards her “thanks” she mumbles “drink it” I tell her and surprisingly she does “feel better?” I ask “a little” she admits “so I don’t even know your name?” I question “it’s not important” she says sadly “it certainly is!” I exclaim “Iris – my mum liked the goo goo dolls” she explains “ahh I see – wait that song came out in like 1999 or something” I frown “yeah 98” she replies “so that makes you-” I pause for a moment doing the maths “fourteen?” I ask in shock “yeah nearly fifteen” she agrees “I’m so young I know have my whole life ahead of me, too young to feel this way”. I look at her sadly “all of that is true but just because you’re too young to feel that way doesn’t mean you can’t” I frown.

Lukes P.O.V:

“Did – did you just throw up?!” I ask India Incredulously. She nods pale “after all you’ve been through I mean EVERYTHING Craig Owens makes you throw up?!” I ask eyebrows raised. Craig just looks over between the two of us “I feel slightly offended” India just puts her face in her hands “I am so fucking sorry” she mutters “it’s okay .. I think – what was it about me that made you throw up?” Craig asks sounding slightly hurt “I think she’s a little star struck she looked a little peaky before you waltzed in” Jenna laughs “yeah my driving might have done it” I laugh “you are pretty crap” India groans “I thought Barrone was going to kill me if I didn’t get to that service station quickly!” I exclaim “he needed the toilet that badly?” Jenna asks her eyebrows raised “could he not just pee in a bottle?” Craig questions. The girls look over at him in disgust “no we may have left Drew in a service station by mistake” I say guiltily “really?! Already?!” Jenna laughs “yep” India giggles slightly looking less like she’s about to pass out “can I kiss you or will you throw up on me?” I smile “And they say romance is dead!” Craig exclaims “anyway came to tell you catering is doing it’s thing Jen loads of veggie shit”. Jen jumps up off the chair in front of the mirror “you eaten yet?” she smiles. India just shakes her head “right lets go” she grins grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her away despite India’s protests.

A few minutes later Kier, Laurence and Drew walk in “so whats up with a squealing India being dragged around by Jenna?” Kier questions eyes wide “catering” I smile “oh God catering!” Drew shouts running back out the dressing room “and then there were three” Laurence laughs “well we should go too” I smile “is that sick?” Kier frowns pointing at the sofa “yeah India met craig owens – I’ll explain on the way to catering lets go!” I smile walking out and motioning for them to follow.

Kiers P.O.V:

“so she literally threw up the second he walked in?” I laugh trying to bury the rising anxiety in my chest “EXACTLY!” Luke grins “Christ bet that wasn’t good for his ego” Laurence says wide eyed “you could say that – oh here we are!” Luke exclaims pointing to the sign clearly labelled ‘catering’ on the closed door. I take a deep breath without realising “you okay?” Laurence asks the door swinging closed in front of him. I look around and realise Luke must have gone on in “yeah I mean – yeah sure” I say faking a smile “you do need something we have to perform tonight Kier” Laurence frowns kissing me on the nose “I know – I know” I say quietly. Laurence nods at the door “after you” he smiles encouragingly. I nod opening the door and stepping into the room. It’s reasonably sized with several large trestle tables lined up together. I’m aware of the sudden silence and everyone looking at me “hey guys” Laurence says nonchalantly grabbing me by the wrist and leading me over to Luke and Drew who is eating a mountain of chips as if lives depend on it “what I like chips?” he laughs looking at Laurence’s bemused expression. Laurence just laughs in response “right I’m going to get something coming Kier?” I shake my head and he just frowns walking away “you’re going to have to eat something” Drew mutters “I know” I say a little too loudly causing everyone to look over briefly. Conversations quickly resume though “hey Kier get your ass over here!” Jenna exclaims. I get out of my chair awkwardly and walk over “Christ you’ve gotten skinny you been eating okay?” she frowns, India shoots her a warning glare and she shuts up “so we finally meet” she smiles getting up and hugging me “yeah we’ve been waiting long enough” I agree “bloody oceans too big you’ll have to see us again next time we tour!” India just laughs “we’ve hardly started this one” Jenna looks at her grinning “I forget this is your first tour, it’ll goes quick trust me”

Barrones P.O.V:

“So you better get home I’ll take you” I smile Iris just frowns “whats wrong?” I ask “I – I don’t have a home anymore” she cries “okay change of plan you’re coming with me” I smile gently “w-what” she stutters “well I’m not having you sleep on the streets you can come with me Laurence will help me figure something out he’s good with this stuff” I smile “t-thank you” she says shakily still crying. I frown slightly “thats enough of that come here” I say gently hugging her. I stay composed on the outside but my head is a mess. Did I just invite this girl on tour? I’ve known her a few hours. What if her parents want her back and call the police? What if the guys go mad? Her voice suddenly breaks through my panicked thoughts “d- don’t you need passes or something?” I smile at her “it’ll be fine I’ll get you one come on”.

Drews P.O.V:

I finish my second plate of chips “where the hell does he put it all?!” Jenna laughs. Jenna a few guys from chiodos and us are the only ones in here. “I could ask you the same question” I laugh pointing at her plate full of chilli “it’s chilli okay!” she exclaims. I realise India still hasn’t had anything to eat yet “wheres your food?” I ask slightly concerned “they ordered Chinese for me” she says blushing slightly “they probably think I’m a bit of a twat now” she admits “hey I’m sure they don’t once they see your face when you get your Chinese they’ll understand” I laugh. 

A/N: So here it is my mid week upload. I'm starting to run out of pre written chapters I should probably get onto that soon. I just checked my profile and holy cow where you guys all come from?! I remember getting excited about my first watcher. Anyway I've been a bit discrated as of late what with exams, a new boyfriend, my 16th birthday and a few other bits and pieces so the next few chapters might be extra sucky :') Hopefully they're not too bad and I'll start uploading more frequently once I leave school on friday but no promises. I won't have internet this weekend so you might not get the 'weekend update' until Monday. I will try to upload it friday but between my final exam, having my hair all bleached within an inch of it's life and packing for the weekend I might be a bit busy! 

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