Chapter 2

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To celebrate yet another win against Eloise Jameson, Regina's best and only friend insisted that she got dressed up and they hit the town for the night. Against her own wishes, Regina was forced to wear a tight dark blue dress that she deemed far too short.

"Jamie, if I do anything other than stand still my arse is going to be on show," she complained and she tried to pull the dress down.

The younger woman laughed, "Your arse looks great, Reggie. Now get it moving, you need to start drinking."

She followed her ginger haired friend and they caught a cab to their favorite club, Litehouse. Why was it their favorite? It was 3-4-1 drinks until midnight. When they arrived, Jamie flirted with the bouncer so that they could jump the que and they immediately hit the dance floor. Regina had to admit that it she had needed this for a while, all work and no play got tiring after a while

The brunette and her friend headed towards the bar to order their first round of drinks; vodka, lime and lemonades. The bartender was someone Regina never thought she'd see again... the blonde juror.

"Celebrating your win, Ms. Mills?" she said over the loud music.

"Something like that," Regina replied.

"Now, what can I get for you?"

Regina handed over the 3-4-1 voucher, "vodka, lime and lemonades please."

"I'll make it a double on the house," she said.

The blonde found the bottles she needed to make the drinks and she poured them out in front of Regina, and when she pushed the three cups towards her the brunette handed over the money.

"Enjoy your night," the blonde said as she handed back the change.

"Wait, I never caught your name," Regina said before she walked off.

"That's because I never gave it," the blonde said before walking away.

Regina expertly carried her three drinks over to where her friend was standing, and the duo quickly drank them before heading back onto the dance floor. For Regina the night was pretty uneventful, she got a few drinks bought for her from a guy who tried persuading her to go home with him; she wasn't stupid enough to have a one night stand.

Around 1 am she found herself abandoned by Jamie in the club that they had been in all night, so she pushed through the crowd towards the garden that was attached to the club for smokers.

"You know, you should probably stop smoking," she said when she spotted the blonde bartender.

She turned around and smirked, "Well, you're either stalking me or this is fate."

"If we are going to keep finding each other, I think it might be wise that you tell me your name," she said as she sat down on one of the wooden benches.

"Swan, Emma Swan," she said as she held her hand out.

Regina shook her hand, "Regina Mills."

"So, how long have you been a hard-ass lawyer?" she asked as she took a drag from her cigarette.

"Less of the hard-ass thank you," the brunette laughed. "I've been a lawyer for four years, one of the best in the city might I add. How long have you been a bartender?"

Emma looked at the watch on her wrist, "Approximately five hours and twenty three minutes," she said with a smirk.

"First day on the job?"

"First and last," she shot back, when she saw the puzzled look on the brunettes face she spoke again. "I'm covering for a friend, cash in hand. I work in a coffee shop a few blocks from here."

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