Chapter 12

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So.. I came back because a lot of people wanted me to carry on and I didn't want to disappoint all you lovely readers who have taken time to read the crap I have somehow written. Thank you for all your lovely comments, and enjoy! PS: I'm pretty sure that adult onesies weren't around in '05 but once I got a vision in my head, it had to be written.  


Christmas Eve, 2005.

Over the past few days Emma had spent her time making the apartment look more Christmassy whilst Regina was working, the brunette was less than pleased when she saw the giant Santa sitting in the corner of her bedroom. She commanded Emma to move it else where, or even better to take the damn thing back to where it came from. The blonde had complied and taken it to the living room where it now stood next to their Christmas tree.

Whilst Regina had been working all day, Emma had been making the most of her time alone with Henry and wrapping the last of the presents she had got for them. She had to admit, she had maybe gone a little overboard with Henry's gifts but it was his first Christmas so how could she not. She knew Regina had got him quite a few presents also.

When Regina walked in the door at 4:30 pm, Emma had just finished wrapping the last of the presents... she thought it was pointless because they were to be opened now, on Christmas Eve.

"Merry Christmas," Emma shouted when she heard the door click shut.

Regina kicked her heels off at the door with a smile and dumped her bags on the dining table as she passed. She could remember last Christmas fondly, how lonely it was but it was nothing new to her then. What was new to her was now; she had people who loved her to spend Christmas with and the brunette wouldn't lie when she said she was a little nervous.

"I got you something," Emma said as she held a present out to her.

Regina shook her head at the blonde in front of her, "I'm pretty sure they are to be opened in the morning, dear."

"Nope," Emma said with a smirk. "It's a Christmas Eve present."

The older woman sighed as she carefully tore the paper, the blonde laughed at how she daintily she opened the present and Regina could only imagine what Emma would be like in the morning. God, it'll be like having two children she thought to herself.

Regina looked down at the red fabric, and at first she couldn't figure out what the damn thing was supposed to be until Emma took the folded clothes from the brunette and held them against her own body, revealing what it was. The print on the front was a Santa outfit, but not as sexy as Regina would like it.

"Christmas pajama's," she said proudly. "Me and Henry have some too. It's tradition."

Regina stared at the one piece of clothing. Of course she had heard of onesies, but she would never in her life wear one. She preferred her trusty silk pajamas or more recently, Emma's body draped over her own. She looked from the item to the Emma's eyes, she hated the way they were lit up at the idea of her wearing it but she couldn't break the womans heart.

"I love it," she lied.

"You hate it, don't you?" Emma said as she let her arms drop to her sides. "Don't lie to me."

Regina bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders, "Yes, but for you I'd wear it."

The younger woman tossed the item at Regina and told her to go and change. Yes, it was hours away before either of the women were tired enough to go to bed, but what Regina didn't know was that Emma had the whole evening planned. 10 minutes later, Regina had foregone all makeup and left her bedroom feeling idiotic. Why the hell anyone wore these she had no idea, but the idea seemed to make Emma happy and that's all she wanted. When she reached the kitchen, she saw Emma in her own pajamas, thankfully a onesie, but instead of a Santa version she had a reindeer.

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