Chapter 10

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A week ago Emma had been sent to the parole board, she had a chance to put her opinion on why she should get an early release. She had told them about Henry and how Regina was looking after him, and how eager she was to become a mom to her son. She told them about the work she had done organizing the neglected library, and the book club she had started and that she was going to hand over to her friend, Cameron if she were to be released.

The board, that consisted of five people, had listened intently. They already had all the facts of Emma's sentence and the trial against Fin. After the meeting had ended and Emma had gone back to her cell, they had talked about their decision. Their decision was easy really, the blonde hadn't had any bad behavior in the year she had been at the prison and she had done more than enough to contribute.

The next morning, Emma's counselor had called her into his office and told her the good news. They had a brief conversation about the money Emma had earned whilst working in the prison and what her conditions of parole were.

The blonde had wasted no time in making a mental note of all the things she was sure she had missed out on in the past year, but the thing at the top of any list she had made over the last twelve months was always the same; Henry.

The days passed by, and each morning the blonde woke up knowing she was one day closer to holding Henry in her arms, one day closer to seeing Regina again. But when the day of her release came, the blonde suddenly became nervous. Questions ran through her mind; what if she wasn't a good mom? What if Henry didn't like her? What if Regina didn't want to be her friend anymore? All the questions were trivial, she knew that, yet she she couldn't help but run through all the different scenarios regarding each one.

After filling out her release paper work, Emma was ready to leave. Her nerves were getting the better of her and she found herself in the toilet cubical of the prison. Cameron had come to say bye to the blonde and it felt like the past 6 months were blinding her, stopping her from leaving. Cameron was the only woman, aside from Regina, who had stood by Emma without a motive or hurting her in the long run. Emma hated to admit that she felt bad for leaving Cameron by herself, God knows what would happen to the girl. After composing herself, she headed back to the visiting room where her only friend was waiting for her. There were a few others there too, someone else was getting released also.

"I don't wanna see you back 'ere, Swan," Cameron said. "I'll beat your ass if you do."

"We both know I'd win," Emma shot back with a smirk.

It was like many other unwritten rules between them; no emotions. But Cameron couldn't help but pull her friend in for a bone crushing hug, and when she did she saw the only two people she was sure her friend loved in the whole world.

"There's someone 'ere to see you, Swan," she whispered.


Regina didn't even need to set her alarm for that morning, and Henry didn't need to wake her up. The brunette hadn't been able to sleep because she knew that she would finally get to see Emma again after radio silence for months; aside from the phone call she had received a few days ago. She thought back to the conversation and only one things stood out; Emma voice. She hadn't realized how much she had missed it, how much she had missed her, until the phone call had come.

By 7:30 am, Regina was ready. She had showered, straightened her shoulder length hair, dressed and put her makeup on; she had decided on a casual outfit but she made sure that the blouse had one more button unbuttoned than necessary. When Henry woke up at 8, she fed him his morning feed before getting him ready, Lola never leaving her side. She dressed him in denim blue dungaree's with a t-shirt underneath with I love my mommy printed in big letters; a shirt she had especially bought for today. She put his winter coat over the outfit along with thick socks.

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