Chapter 5

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Emma woke up in Regina's spare bedroom. It took her a while to realized that she was no longer stuck with Fin, that she was free. But seconds later a wave of nausea hit her and she ran to the bathroom. She knelt on the cold, tiled floor and emptied her stomach into the toilet, and after a few minutes of dry heaving she pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her head on them.

The blonde looked up at the locked door when she heard a knocking, "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" Regina asked.

The blonde stood up, she knew she had to pretend she was okay. So she walked to the door and unlocked it, "Yeah, I'm good," she said, forcing a smile.

"Come on, I'll make us some breakfast," Regina said.

Emma smiled at the brunette and followed her into the kitchen. It hadn't even been 5 minutes since Regina had gotten all the ingredients out for apple pancakes when there was a banging on the door. Emma flinched as she heard her name being shouted.

"Stay here, okay," Regina said to the blonde.

"What if it's him? Regina, you can't get hurt because of me."

"Sit down and shut up, Emma."

Regina walked to her front door and looked through the peephole just like she had done less than 24 hours ago. What she saw was three men, one of which she identified as Emma's ex.

"What do you want?" she said through the door; there was no way she was letting them in here.

"We know that Emma is here, she has a job to do so hand her over, bitch."

"I haven't seen her in two weeks -" she began, her words were interrupted by her front door bursting open.

"Shut the fuck up and move," Fin spit as he pushed Regina to the side.

Regina quickly dialed Detective Harold's number and told her what was happening whilst the three men searched the spacious apartment for the blonde. After her brief conversation she headed to the kitchen, she expected to find Emma sitting exactly where she had left her but she was no where to be seen.

"Emma," she said in a harsh whisper. "Emma," she repeated when she didn't get an answer.

The door to the pantry opened slightly, "Is it safe?" she asked timidly.

Before Regina could answer two arms were grabbed her and pulled her away from Emma, she began to struggle against . Fin and the other guy pulled a fighting Emma from the pantry. The fear that Regina had seen the first time she had seen Emma and Fin together was there again, if not more apparent.

"Please, don't Fin," Emma begged as he pulled her by wrist. "I did what you needed me to."

"We were no where near finished, baby," he whispered into her ear.

The man that held Regina pushed her forward but before she could regain her balance her head banged against the granite worktop and she fell to the floor; she was knocked out cold.

"Regina!" Emma shouted as she saw the still brunette.

Before the three men and Emma could leave the apartment, five police officers and Detective Harold blocked their exit, "NYPD, put your hands in the air," the detective shouted. Two of the police officers apprehended the other two guys before they could pull out their guns.

Fin pulled out a gun and pulled Emma flush against his own body with the gun against her temple, "Move, and no one gets hurt."

"It's five against one, we really don't want to shoot," Detective Harold said as she kept her gun up.

"Neither do I."

"Fin," Emma whispered, "I love you, you don't want to hurt me."

"Why should I listen to you, bitch?"

Emma blindly searched for Fin's other hand, the one not holding the gun. When she found it she lead it towards her stomach, "We're going to have a baby," she whispered.

"Really?" he whispered.

Emma turned round to face him, the gun still pointed at her head. "Yeah, we're going to be a family."

Fin lowered the gun and the police and detective quickly pulled Emma from him and cuffed him as quickly as she could. She handed him over to one of the other officers before explaining what to do with them.

"Where's Regina?" Detective Harold.

Emma's eyes flew wide open, she had momentarily forgotten about what had happened to her friend. She ran into the kitchen with the detective in her tow, when they both arrived Regina was pulling herself up off the floor. She had a cut across her forehead where it had connected with the granite.

"Regina, are you okay?" Emma asked.

The brunette squinted her eyes to focus on the blonde in front of her, "Emma?"

"Regina you need to go to the hospital," Kelly said. "I can get one of the squad cars to take you there."


A doctor shined a light into Regina's eyes. They had gotten to the hospital 20 minutes ago, but because they were with Kelly she had gotten her friend pushed to the front of the que despite Regina's pleas that she was okay. They had already completed the finger-nose-finger and she had already been asked questions relating to current affairs.

"Have you experienced any nausea or vomiting?" he asked.

"She told me she felt sick on the way over," Emma answered quickly.

"How about dizziness or loss of balance?" he asked.

"I kinda had to -" Emma began.

"I can answer for myself, Emma," Regina said harshly. "I kind of had trouble walking in a straight line, the light hurts my eyes and no I don't remember what happened."

"You've obviously been in this situation before," the doctor said. "I don't think we need to do any further tests, it's clear you have a concussion and retrograde amnesia."

Regina put the ice pack back onto her forehead to relive some of the pain, "Lots of rest and no stressful situations?" she said.

"That's right, Ms. Mills. You will also need someone to stay with you for a few days, is there any family I can call for you?"

The brunette shook her head, "No family around."

"I can stay with her," Emma said. "I'm her friend."

The doctor turned to the blonde and handed her a pamphlet, "If Ms. Mills gets any of the symptoms in this pamphlet or her current symptoms worsen, bring her back to the ER."

Regina and Emma left the examination room and headed for the exit of the ER where they were met by Detective Harold and a police officer.

"Everything okay?" she asked Regina.

"Yeah, just got a concussion. Got to have a few days off and Emma is staying with me. Is there any chance we can get a lift back?"

"It won't be possible for Emma to stay with you, I'm afraid," the detective said.

"And why not?"

"I'm sorry, Regina. I really am," Emma said quickly. "Please don't hate me."

"Emma Swan," Detective Harold said. She was handed a pair of handcuffs by the police officer.

"Emma, what's going on?" Regina said. "She didn't do anything."

"You are under arrest on the suspicion of dealing and the possession of drugs," she explained as she locked the handcuffs over the blondes wrists. "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand your rights?"

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