Chapter 14

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First of all... sorry for being an ass and taking so long to update. I'm not going to lie, it's probably not the best thing I've ever written but it's done. I was going to post it yesterday, but it was my birthday so I had no time to sit down... I think the first time I gave myself a break yesterday was when I got in at 3:30am after a day of drinking, not my best choice, but Happy Birthday to me! Enjoy the chapter, review are always welcome. 


The smell of coffee woke Emma up the next morning. She had somehow managed to get a few hours of sleep in the tiny hospital chair after Laney had left around 3am with Henry. The blonde rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and adjusted to the bright surroundings of her partners hospital room.

"It's crappy hospital coffee, but it'll wake you up a little," Laney said.

"Thanks," she said with a smile that was far from reaching her green eyes.

Emma took the styrofoam cup from her friend and inhaled the bitter taste. Her eyes landed on Henry who was happy playing with his toys on the floor a few feet away. Her heart broke, she knew that Regina thought of Henry as her own son and for him to lose the older woman would be horrible. He looked up at Emma and paused from crashing a fire truck and a red car together and smiled at his mother.

The blonde put the white cup down on the nearest surface and moved to sit on the floor next to Henry. Laney sat down in the seat Emma had vacated and watched the two of them together. The Emma Swan she knew three years ago was far from mommy-material, but the blonde woman sitting on the floor with her son was the very same person; two very different people had changed Emma and Laney would the first person to admit it was for the better.

"Hey, kid," Emma said. "How you doing?"

Henry picked his favorite blue car up and shoved it into Emma's face; a silent command that he wanted her to play with him, a command she was all too happy to play along with. She took the car from his tiny hand and started to make car engine noises as she ran it along the floor, Henry laughing along with her and following her moves with his fire truck and his own version of what the vehicle sounded like.

Whilst Emma was pushing the car around the floor, she didn't see the puzzled look Henry gave her. Something in his instincts told him that his mother was sad so he threw his toy away and crawled over to her. Once he was in her lap he placed his tiny hands on her cheeks and gave her his best smile.

"Shall we go and see 'Gina?" Emma asked. She knew Henry couldn't really understand the question, but when he smiled at the mention of the older womans name, she stood up, taking her son with her.

Emma sat down on the bed with Henry sitting in front of her, her grip on him was probably a little too tight, but she didn't want to risk him crawling over the older woman and injuring her more.

Henry looked over to Emma, he couldn't understand why Regina wasn't her smiling, bubbly self. Usually she was awake by now, but she was still sleeping.

"'Gina had an accident, kid," Emma said. "But she loves you, and I love you."

"Mama?" Henry said as he turned to look at Emma.

Emma's eyes filled with tears; Henry's first word. It was the first day she hadn't been fully in his life and she had missed one of his big milestones. Her heart sank when she knew that there would be a very big possibility that she wouldn't be there for anything else, but the blonde suddenly felt scared because she hadn't been with Henry on her own before; not fully. Regina had always been there in the morning and at a night time, Emma just had to survive throughout the day. The older woman knew everything about her son, more than she could possibly know and quite frankly that scared Emma shitless.

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