Chapter 15

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Okay, I suck. I know. It's okay to hate me, but hate my WiFi more. It's not been working for a while and tonight we finally got it fixed. Enjoy, and Happy New Year plus seven days. 


5 years later.

"How are you feeling?" Jamie asked as she walked into Regina's office.

The brunette looked up at her friend. From her blotchy eyes, it was clear she had spent some of her time crying, no amount of makeup could cover up the heartbreak she was feeling. But Regina was strong, she didn't need anyone - especially Emma Swan.

Love is weakness as her mother would have said to her. The saying had been drummed into her from a young age along with many others.

"I'm fine," she replied as she set her pen down.

In some ways it was true. She had finally accepted that it was over, that she would probably be alone for a while. But sometimes it felt like she would never be able to close the gaping hole in her heart that had been left by a certain blonde.

Jamie sat in the seat opposite Regina, "You've been crying."

"I'm fine," she insisted.

"Want to talk about it?"

"What is there to talk about? We fought, she left, she never came back. So can we leave it at that, please?"

Both women knew that there was more to it than that, it just hurt to talk about it; mostly because it was all her fault. As much as she wanted to pass the blame onto Emma for being the one that actually left, it was Regina's fault that she had gone in the first place.

The reason for the fight was simple; simple and stupid, but it had still happened.

Their fight had ended up with pillows thrown across the apartment, piles of broken glasses and doors slammed. Words had been threatened and tears had been cried. But there was two similarities between the women after the fight had ended; both regretted what they had said to the other and they were both too stubborn and proud to apologize. 

When there was nothing more than dead air between the women, Emma took a large duffle bag and stuffed clothes in it for her and Henry before telling him to get his shoes and coat on because they were leaving.

Regina hated herself for watching Emma leave and not stopping her, and it broke her heart further when she was left on her own with memories of Henry and Emma where ever she turned.

"Is she signing the papers?" Jamie asked.

"That's the only thing she has contacted me about," Regina replied. "I sent her lawyer her copy, he said they'd be done and signed by Monday."

"What about Henry? You did adopt him, he's legally your son."

"He has his own free will to see me whenever he wants, but in the papers it states that she has to let me see him Friday until Sunday evening twice a month."

"That's bullshit."

"I know, but it's all she would agree to."

"So it's really over then?"

Regina sighed, "Yeah. It's really over."


10 months later.

Regina walked up the stairs to Emma's apartment, it was her weekend to have Henry and like every other time she was hoping not to see Emma. Even 10 months in it was hard for the brunette and she often wondered if she would ever be truly over Emma. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door and then took a step back and smoothed down the invisible creases in her blouse.

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