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Few days have passed and I feel like I'm getting more rest than I deserve...since I've been in a coma for almost half a month. It doesn't seem fair.

I'm sitting in Doctor Han's office once more and he's surprised by my sudden request.

"Are you sure you want to go back to school?" he questions once more. He acts as if he is so comfortable around me, like I'm a friend who visits him every day.  In my case, this is my first time truly sitting down to have a talk with him.

"Ne. I want to catch up with my studies. Although I think I'll lack behind."

Doctor Han laughs and turns his attention to his computer, letting his finger type away. "If that is what you want then I suppose that isn't impossible. Anyways you don't have any medical difficulties after your discharge, right? Any fever? Dizziness?"

"Nope. I don't know why I feel fitter than I used to."

"That's because during the period of your coma, your body  had sufficient rest and time to recover from the accident. You should refrain from participating in any physical exercise though." he types a few times before pressing ENTER, and the printer begins working its magic.

"I'll issue this declaration to you so you can go back to school," he takes the fresh paper from the printer and signs quickly at the bottom. "Just remember to take care of yourself."

I take the paper and bow my head, "Thank you Doctor Han, for everything. You'll probably be sick of my face by now." I chuckle and he smiles while shaking his head in denial.

"The only person I'm sick of is that boy Taehyung."

My smile suddenly fades into a line.

"Taehyung kept bothering me almost every day during your stay here. Literally, he even calls during my lunch breaks and off days to check on you." He laughs and looks at me in the eye, "You're lucky to have a boyfriend like him to take care of you Yujin. He never once left your side."

"I see." I feel a pang of guilt in my heart. I shouldn't have treated Taehyung the way I did last night. I made him feel like a stranger even though he was the one who took care of me. But you can't entirely blame it on me. I don't even remember him. I can't remember him...

It's frustrating for me too.

After getting consent from doctor, I immediately retreat back to the comfort of home, slipping into comfortable pajamas while tying my hair into a high messy bun. Speaking of hair, my hair seems to have grown out. I guess I need a haircut.

I wander around my room and stop at my built in shelf, where all my textbooks were. I pull out each textbook, flipping through and tossing them on the bed not knowing what I'm reading. Crap, looking at all the certificates hung up on my wall...I have to keep up to my position.

"Right, I have nothing better to do anyways." I mumble to myself. I gather the textbooks plus some notebooks and pile them on my study table. If there is one thing that I remember, I know that I have a freaky fetish towards studying.

I lock myself up in my room and turn on acoustic music. Time to get back on track.


Hello again! To those who have already read this fanfic to this point of the story, thank you so much for your loyal support ♡  I'll continue to work hard to deliver the best stories! Please leave comments and vote if you wish to :-)



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