"Let's take this another level"

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It's weird seeing Zico in disguise, I'm so used to seeing him as his usual self that the way he looks right now sort of makes me cringe. I came on a date with my boyfriend not some guy who could pass for his forties, I mean I understand the breathing mask, but the mustache? Don't even get me started with the wig, ugh. "Sexy, right?" He mocks.

I make a face, as we move up the line. "You could've just worn shades, a hat, and glasses." I point out.

He chuckles. "It's fun, but I'm more likely to be noticed like that, especially from my voice." I smile, but when he smiles back it fades, he laughs at my response.

Zico really does look different, if it hadn't been that we came together, I wouldn't have recognized him and would probably have called the cops on him. "I can't believe your making me watch a horror movie."

He winks at me. "It's what's trending right now, and besides you holding onto me is what I'm going for." He attempts to give me a kiss, but people behind me gasp. I turn a deep shade of red, they must think we're weird.

Zico buys the tickets and we head inside, I'm not hungry for any sacks and decide to leave my appetite for later, I'm sure Zico's planning to take me somewhere since he's the one who planned the whole date. We walk into the very dark theater, a few couples are scattered around and a group of teens are seated in the middle section. I'm trying to figure which seat would be best for us to watch the movie, when Zico takes me by the hand and leads towards the back.

I follow, his hand leading me towards the left corner seats, the movie screen is at an awkward angle but it's still watchable. I pull out my phone and set it on silent and so does Zico. By the time the preview's hit the screen the theater remains with as little people it started with, I'm starting to notice why Zico chose the back and the horror movie.

I'm too preoccupied with the latest upcoming movies that are in English which makes it all the better, and I get a little too into the trailer's to notice how Zico no longer is wearing his disguise. I sigh of relief, he's back to being that hot mess that he is.

The scary movie finally starts and to my dismay it begins with already the horror, I know Zico wants me to leap into his arms but I'm gonna resist as much as I can until that happens. I can tell how agitated he gets when 30 minutes into the movie and I still haven't stuffed my face into his shoulder or gripped his hand.

I mentally high five myself for that but then he gets creative. He does the yawn move, and stretches his left arm in the process, I feel his arm around my back and sigh, Zico really can be possessive, but I liked that about him.

The movie takes a really dark turn and suddenly there's a lot of gore, and cannibalism. How can this be a trend? Still I don't really pay attention to what's going on when Zico keeps running his hand up my thigh.

Since we didn't put any arm rests down it's easier for him to get his hands on me, and when he tugs at a strand of my hair, he has my full attention. His mouth crushes against mine, and I lose my breath and balance at his eagerness. He pushes the other seat behind me down and pushes me against it, I grip his hands as he plants a kiss on my neck.

I'm getting a rush from how dark it is in here, how secluded we are, and how loud the movie is. I can literally shout his name and no one would mind. I wrap my hands around his neck and he chuckles at my blushing. "Noona." He whispers against my ear.

Something about Zico calling me that excites me, I liked the sound of it. What is it about him that makes me feel like at any moment I will melt? I kiss his cheeks and leave a trail of kisses down his neck, he groans against my ear. I smile at the way he looks, he's so vulnerable, and it makes me grin even wider knowing that I did that.

I want to kiss him better, to hold him better, but the seats are uncomfortable. I sigh, and push myself up, he gives me a curious look. This time I take his hand and lead him through the theater, if all Zico want's to do is make out he could've just said so, I mean a man this gorgeous is hard to say no to, especially when no doesn't exist in his dictionary.

Zico puts his mask back on his face and wig. I lead him through the theater and we walk up the stairs, to a very quiet second floor, where only the restrooms and a hall are, I push him into the space in the hall and he doesn't even wait til we're all the way down and spins me around to face him. He pushes his body against mine. "This is crazy." I breathe.

But this was the only chance we were getting to be alone, since my dad was home, and he was being constantly watched because of the incident from the part, so kissing at his place was off terms. I enjoyed this moment, it sparked passion in me and warmed parts of me I knew ached for parts of him, he flicks his tong into my mouth and I groan aloud.

He perks up at the sound of my combustion and then lifts one of my legs and his part is now even more pressed against mine. I chose the wrong day to wear a dress, I never would have guessed how hungry Zico was for me and even if I had I would have still probably worn the dress. I opened my mouth on instinct and let his tong wander inside, while moans leave my lips. His grip tightens on my thigh and waist, but he continues the passionate kiss.

I pull away trying to catch my breath, I notice his wig and breathing mask on the ground, and laugh. "Let's take this another level." Zico groans, his eyes looking right into mine, he's not ordering me, he's asking for my permission, but here is the last place I dreamed we'd take it another level. It doesn't bother me but I just don't want to remember our first time, here.

He pecks my lips and releases me, I catch his hand and his eyes look back up at me. "I'd like that, but not here."

He shakes his head, acknowledging. We don't head back into the movies, and Zico just takes me back to his car, and I ask him if he'd like to go back to his place, and he tells me that his manager's there and that he's under strict condition to report anything potentially harmful to Zico's career.

I pretend not to flinch at the words potentially dangerous, because somehow I feel like he's referring to me. Zico grips my hand as he drives and pulls up to a ice cream drive through and we eat food and dessert there all the while parked in front of a duck pond.

I really do want to stay with Zico, and today is just further proof that my heart would never faze, I'd always feel the same because I know he would to. I love everything about him, how he's so sweet and kind with me, and has this tough persona with everyone else, but he takes the time to make me feel loved and important.

"I love you." I blurt out.

Zico was about to take a spoonful of ice cream when I catch him off guard and the ice cream falls back into his cup. His eyes look back into mine shocked, but then he smiles, leans over and kisses me. I kiss him back and feel breathless by the time he pulls away. "I love you too." He blushes as he says that and looks out the window but from how red his ears get I can tell how embarrassed he is and I smile.

Nothing will change between us.

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