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I heard a soft tap on my door followed by the ring of the doorbell. I rushed over thinking it could be my dad but when I pulled the door open it was someone I was least expecting.

Hyuna smiles at me, popping a piece of gum in her mouth as she walks inside. I didn't invite her in but I also didn't attack her so I guess I was mostly curious as to what she was doing here. I shut the door and watch her as she sets down her bag on the table and makes herself comfortable on the chair.

"Lovely." She says in English. "This house reminds me of one I used to live in before my debut." She sighs at the memories. I stand across from her my arms crossed over my chest, what was she doing here? "Take a seat, I'm just here to talk."

I don't budge, she rolls her eyes. "I came to do you a favor." This catches my attention. "I'm on a tight schedule but I came here to see you anyways." I don't thank her and she doesn't seem to mind. "Zico's been a bit out of it lately, and so has Jay. I began to think what could have happened for those two to be like that." My legs starts to tremble. "And then I came to the conclusion, you." She sounds bitter as she says it.

Her eyes slice into mine. "It makes sense really, at the beginning I doubted it but then it all tied together." She shakes her head. "Who can blame you, I mean Zico's such a bad boy capable of just about anything...and Jay." She bites her bottom lip. "Jay is a hot mess."

I start to feel uncomfortable at the sound of there name's and how she's expressing herself. She laughs at my expression and then suddenly turns serious. "I heard what happened."

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Things get around fast in the industry so when I heard that Jay and Zico were fighting over the same girl, I wanted to see this for myself. At that time I had been having problems with my lover." Her face darkens. "I wanted to hurt him, and chose the safest person to do that with, Zico."

Jay had been saying the truth, not that I had doubted him but the fact that he was right made her seem a bit more human to me. Still I could not forgive her for hurting us, and using him to retaliate against her boyfriend. "After I confirmed my suspicious, my boyfriend and I got into this huge fight and I went to Zico's place but he wasn't there." Shock starts to overwhelm me at what she's saying. "His manager let me in, I tried calling him but he wouldn't pick up, and then you came by with him drunk and I knew I made things worse." She shakes her head at the memory.

"So you and Zico?" My voice grows weak.

"Nothing happened." She confesses, my mind starts spinning and I have to take a deep breath to really understand what she just said. "The kiss was all my idea, after Jay had left to go find you at the party Zico had stayed behind to ask me what was wrong." Her eyes tear up. "He knew something was wrong by the look on my face..." She struggles on the last part. "I realized that day that Zico really didn't love me anymore, and that even if I wanted to even if I started to grow attached to him it wouldn't work out because he was in love with someone else..." She wipes the tears from her eyes. "You."

"Me?" I say in a weak voice.

"I wanted to take him from you then, but he wouldn't have let me..." Her eyes are full of anger, anger directed towards me. "So now that I've told you all that happened you should clear things up with him and tell him how you feel before you lose him too."

My mind brings me back to memories with Jay and suddenly fixing things doesn't seem all too simple. "I can't." I say.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm not gonna beg you to do it, but if you don't then someone else will take him from you."

"But I've hurt him." I begin to realize what I'd done.

Hyuna doesn't wait for me to say what it is that made me this way and instead interrupts. "You both hurt each other, now it's time to make up for that hurting. Zico loves you, whatever happens he'll forgive you." She pauses. "But do it again, and I won't."

I shake my head acknowledging this, and start to reach for my phone the same time she starts grabbing her things. "Thank you." I mumble.

She smiles and winks at me before leaving, just then Zico picks up. "We need to talk." I tell him.

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