Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Aram
He went to the counsel. They came in the night and took me to the edifice. I will wait here. I can hear them in the other room shouting at each other. I will wait here. I'm afraid and it shows all over my face. I will wait here. My thoughts are all jumbled and I repeat to myself. I will wait here. My strength is failing and I fight to labor my breathing. Someone appears in the doorway. I try to collect myself. I look up, expecting to see a counsel member. Instead I'm faced with a very worried- looking Ekim. "Come with me," he whispers, "hurry." The choice isn't hard. Emotions are considered treason. Treason is punishable by death. I follow him. "Ekim," I whisper. He takes my hand and puts a finger on his lips. We make it to the bottom floor and he pushes me in a room. "There's something you need to know," I scoff. "There's a lot of things I need to know." He shakes his head, "I'm serious. I overheard them talking a bout this awhile ago and.... Well, it's important, it started,"
We all started on Earth. Human. Born in pairs. Twins, would be the word for it. There was too many people there. Over-population. Starvation. Disease ran rampant. Then they found this world. The counsel did, but there wasn't enough room for everyone, so they took the twin from each pair that was calmer. They shaped them so they wouldn't feel. They didn't want The City of Light to turn out like Earth, but every once in a while they make a mistake. They take the wrong twin. So when they find emotion. They kill us and send downtown to Earth to kill the other twin. We are human. There's nothing to separate us from the ones on Earth besides luck, or misfortune, depending on who you are.
I shake my head. This is impossible. Yet, it makes so much sense. "Ekim, are you the wrong twin?" He shakes his head. "Aram, I was the right twin, but haven't you ever wondered why those who feel are such a danger in this world? We are meant to feel so everyone you touch will begin to feel. You touched my heart when you started to love me, Aram. Now I feel and so do you and despite how hard Divad might try not to, he will feel as well." My eyes widen. "How do we escape?" He looks excited. I'm confused. "That's the fun part," he smiles, "there's a portal, but we have to get to it."

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