Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Mara
"I wanted to believe that if I wasn't mean to you, if I treated you right that eventually you would come around. You would see things my way and me and you could just escape to Paris or somewhere where nothing bad ever happens and live out our days in happiness." I don't turn towards his words but instead swallow my fear and bravely say, "You always were quite the dreamer." He chuckles and says, "I know." Suddenly, I feel him grab my face and turn me towards him roughly. "I honestly thought you were reasonable." He punches me hard in the jaw. "Obviously I was wrong." I see something glimmer on his belt and slowly reach up while I speak, "I am reasonable, sir, but what part of this is reasonable?" He frowns at me and stands up to brush himself off. He walks out briskly. I stare at the object in my hands, a compact mirror. I open it and... What the hell? There's nothing there. No reflection. I reach out to touch the mirror and find myself somewhere else completely. A little cottage, by the looks of it. I hear a humming sound come from another room. I creep in there, everything is so neat and pristine. When I make it to the room, I see a girl on the couch cradling her stomach, she's looking down and I can't see her face, but her hair is about the same color and length as mine but she is obviously very pregnant. I clear my throat, "Miss, I'm afraid I don't know where-" my voice catches in my throat when she looks up at me, she looks just like me but she has a terrified expression on her face. "No, no, no, no." She sounds terrified, "you can't be here, Ekim will be back any minute and we are in enough trouble as it is."

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