Chapter 4: The Most Embarrassing Thing Ever

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^^Picture of Kenneth^^
Kenneth P.O.V

I feel so ashamed after what happened last night! They made me sleep with Mackenna! Though it was only 10 seconds, I'm still upset. We were playing Dare or Die that night and we had our fun and shared a coulple, well many, laughs. The boys: Les, Jamal, DeShawn and Dustin and I were hanging out at my place and things got a little out of control.


DeShawn dared Dustin to go downstairs and tell my Mum that he was gay. We went downstairs to watch, after he told my mum he was gay, he was so mad at DeShawn. Then it was my turn.

"I dare you to go through that window and sleep with the person for 10 seconds." Darus said.

"No way. Are you on flocka? Cause, I ain't going through Mackenna's window." I said.

"Oh so you know her?" He said with a devious smirk on his face. "That makes it even better."
After that, I knew it was gonna be nothing but trouble.

"If you don't, you have to hump Jamal." DeShawn laughed. Les and Dustin laughed along while Jamal had an icy glare fixed on DeShawn. I shook my head.

"I'm not on that boat man. I'm not gay, and if you try me like that one more time, imma kill you with my bare hands." I threatend.

"Chill man! It's not my fault that your a pussy." Les laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But only for 5 seconds."

"10." Les challenged

"5." I challenged back.




"Fine." I sighed. I got up and climbed out of my window and into Mackenna's. I'm not ever playing Dare or Die with these guys again.

I slid through Mackenna's window as quietly as possible. Mackenna was still asleep so I inched toward her bed. I heard the boys behind me laughing like crazy. I shot my middle finger at then causing them to laugh even more.

I sighed. Why did I chose to play Dare or Die with these guys?! I knew they were (and still are) crazy.
I walked over to Mackenna's bed a got in slowly.

When I was fully laid down with her, I counted to 10 in my head.









Mackenna began to wake up. I froze. I didn't know what to do! Should I get up and run? Should I stay here? Should I hide under her bed?

Her eyes opened.

"What the heck?!" She whisper-yelled.

"Oh sh- I told you guys this wasn't a good idea." I said.



"Get the fudge outta my bed!" She pushed me off the bed and I walked over to the window. She ran after me.

I felt her hand collide with my cheek.

"Ow! What was that for?!?" I yelled.

"That's for coming into my room and scaring the crap out of me.What the hell are you thinking?!" She said. I could tell she was really upset because, she was cursing. Uh-oh.

I looked over at my window at the boys who were laughing until they looked like tomatoes. "I-I just wanted to cuddle." The boys laughed their behinds off. 

"Get out." She growled.

I went out the window.

**Flashback over**

That was truly the most embarrassing  thing that ever happened to me. Hopefully, this doesn't ruin our relationship or whatever you wanna call it. I mean-we just met yesterday!

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