Chapter 5: Revenge Is Sweet

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**Picture of DeShawn above or side**
Mackenna P.O.V

Omg, Kenneth slept with me last night! Well, not exactly slept with me because, it only lasted 10 seconds. I'm not as mad him anymore because, I know it was just a prank because the boys over at his window were laughing like crazy. So, I came up with my own little plan. When Kenneth's little friends left and he fell asleep, I snuck into his window and wrote a little note on his forehead:

"Mackenna is so sexy"

It may seem a little long, but luckily I have small, but not too small handwriting. He'll be in for a little surprise when he finds that it's permanent marker. I also plan on putting a little suprise in his friends' lockers too: pads. I'll get a red permanent marker and draw on the insides of them to make it look like it's theirs. I'll also spray a little of horrible spray so it'll make them feel intimated. Oh, I'm good. So good that it's too good to be true.

I shook my head to clear my insane, but funny thoughts. I went downstairs and went out the front door. I went outside and over to my car, once I got in, I started the engine and headed to school. I took the long way to give me more time to think.

10 minutes later, I pulled up at school. I found a decent parking space and got out. I heard a couple of whistles while walking into the school, but I ignored it.

Pervertic boys, don't you just love 'em?

It was windy outside, so my hair blew in a line trailing behind me.

I must look like a supermodel.

I shivered. Good thing I wore a sweater, but not so good because I wore shorts.

I smiled and walked into my hell hole of a high school. I'm going to be tortured today aren't I? Yupp.

As I walked over to my locker, I saw Kenneth and he saw me too. He began to walk over to me with an angry expression. Uh-oh. As he came closer, I tried my best not to laugh.

He looked so stupid! That's what happens when you mess with Mackenna. You get revenge.

I bit my lip and continued to walk to my locker. While putting in my combination, he leaned against the lockers. I giggled quietly.

"So...I'm guessing you did this." He pouted and pointed toward his forhead.

I can't hold it in anymore, this is torture!

I busted out laughing while he stood there looking as if he wanted to kill me.

"You thought you and your friends could play me, so I got you guys back." I said after laughing.

"Oh so it's not just me you did this to." He huffed.

"Nope, I have my ways." I said with a chuckle.

He grunted. "How an I supposed to get this marker off of my face! It's perment!" I laughed.

"Stop laughing at me!" He pouted.

"How can I not laugh at you? You look adorable!" I gasped between my laughs. He groaned and walked away. I ran after him.

"Hey you can't be mad at me for that." I said, pointing at his forehead.

"Oh yeah? Why not?"

Did he forget that he slept with me last night?!

" came in my bed last night, that's why." I whispered. He stopped.

"Mackenna it was just a dare." He sighed.

"So that means you didn't have to do it." I reasoned.

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