Chapter 10: The Picture Perfect Friends and The Picnic

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*Picture of Mackenna's outfit above or side**
Enjoy !
Mackenna P.O.V

We, well the boys, had finished the chips and the Kool-Aid jar was half full. We were talking and every now and then, one of the boys would crack a joke or do something stupid. My stomach began to hurt because we were laughing so hard.

"Naw man. I can't stand Mr.Krate. His pigeon eyed, no hair, stank behind. I be wanna to slap him." DeShawn said, causing everybody to laugh.

"Naw, you know our principal, Ms uh.......Deshally. She got a camel toe man." Darus said.

Me and Carlee laughed. I was laughing until I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see a worried Dustin.

My laughing faded away as I saw his face.

"Can I please talk to you?" Dustin asked.

I stared at him in search of sincerity in his eyes and once I found it, I gave in.

"Fine." I sighed. I got up and led Dustin into my house.

"Dustin got some business to sort out." Darus laughed.

"They got a package to open, man." DeShawn laughed.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. I gave them 'The Finger' and continued to walk with Dustin. I led him to my lounge.

I sat on a couch. He sat on the same couch as me. I scooted away from him, afraid he would try to kiss me again.

Dustin sighed. "Look, I'm sorry Mackenna. I wasn't in my right mind. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I mean, every word I said was true, I just should've never tried to kiss you."

He likes me?! What is up with him?!

I was speechless, but I somehow managed to get the words out of my mouth.

"I-It's ok, but w-why did y-you try to k-kiss me?" I spit out.

"I-I don't know! I'll make up to you, I promise. J-Just please forgive me." Dustin pleaded while standing up from his seat on the couch. He crouched down in front of me.

"Please Mackenna." He pleaded.

I sighed. "Look, I said it's ok. Just, don't do it again."

"Ok, I promise." Dustin said, with pleading eyes.

"Oh so, you come in here and make Dustin get on his knees?.......Without inviting us?" A voice said from behind us.

I turned around to see Darus, DeShawn and Jamal laughing. Carlee stood and stared at me.

I stood up from my seat. I walked over to DeShawn and punched him in his arm. I went back outside to my backyard and sat on the picnic blanket.

Carlee came out and sat in front of me.

"What were you and Dustin talking about?" Carlee asked.

"He was apologizing." I whispered without looking at her.

She sighed. "What'd he say?"

"He was just apologizing, okay?" I said bluntly.

Carlee looked at me sadly.

"I-I'm sorry. I just feel kinda awkward and weird."

She nooded.

The boys walked back outside and sat down on the picnic blanket. Dustin and Jamal sat on a lounge chair.

"You guys wanna play a game?" I asked, breaking the silence that fell upon us.

"Yeah, sure." Kenneth said.

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