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You know that feeling
when you're so excited
for a special event
to take place;

For example
a date.
A first date.

So you ask your mum
if you can go.
She says yes.

Then you tell your friends,
and they get excited for you.
You're going on a date!

The days leading
up to said event,
your heart beats faster and
your mood is happier.

But what about
the night before?
When your excitement is high?

Then you get that message.
No- not "are you excited for tomorrow?"
Not the one that is sure
to build excitement.

I mean the other one.
The "I'm so sorry, I can't make it"
That message.

The message that makes you
royally pissed off.
After the planning,
the organising.

Then bam!
Day ruined.
Mood crushed.

That's how I feel
right now.
I feel crushed
right now.

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