75 Days

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It has been 75 days since that fateful afternoon
Where our souls wept for one another and our heartstrings were torn.
My eyes were wet and yours were damp.

But we have both raised our heads high;
Taken a deep breath,
Taken another step,
And stumbled wearily back into the reality of our lives.

We are still drawn to eachother like the north and south poles on a magnet,
But we now have interferences with our magnetic pull
And are being drawn to others.

But that's okay.
We will always be there for one another.
The familiarity will always be there.
And our love for one another will forever radiate.

So I guess that's what makes it ok;
Our love,
Our heartache,
Our friendship.

We will always have eachother,
In some way or another.
A little bit or a lot.
Our love will never stop.

For that I am grateful.
For we can love others and still love eachother.
A lil or a lot.

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