I'm a Dreamer

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I am a dreamer,
that's easy to say.
But being a
dreamer- that's
dangerous work.

You may think I
dream of holidays,
families, relationships
or friends. Well,
I do- sort of.

I like to call myself
a Twisted Dreamer.

Why do I call myself
this? Because my
dreams aren't

I turn my dreams
into worse case
scenarios. A perfect
holiday? Don't you
mean that a disaster
is going to occur?

Not only do I dream of
worse case scenarios-
but I also exaggerate

I will make up
scenes in my head
of 'that could've
happened'. Even if
there was no chance.

So there, I am
a dreamer, but
it is dangerous
work, for your
emotions are
at stake.

~A Twisted Dreamer

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