fuck you, you fucking hypocrite.

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I realised today that you always say

how I cheated.

And how

I'm the one that isn't loyal.

Let alone that it was all an accident to send that picture.

Considering I was meant to send it to you.

But you get so annoyed and edgy that I will cheat again.

But it was just a photo

In comparison to your act.

It's just a photo

Considering you went out of your fucking way

To go root her.

You did that out of spite.

I didn't.

With me it was entirely accidental.

With you it was entirely intentional.

" [ Why are you even bothering ]
[ Like you said it's not going to last ]

[Because it might ] "

If it wasn't going to last then why have you stayed?

Why the fuck did you not break up with me?

Why the fuck did you not just break me then and there before you cheated and used your "hallpass".

You are such a fucking hypocrite.

Fuck you, you fucking hypocrite.

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