The Boy In Black

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Ok guys im really sorry for not uploading when i promised but I think ur ok so here is a bit sorry its not alot but i have 2 go.

(Aubree's POV)

*Yawn* I am so tired I didn't get much sleep last night because of that awful storm. It sounded like the trees were hitting my window so hard that the glass might shadder. Oh well atleast I actually finished my homework for a change. My parents must be so proud.(note the sarcasm)

As soon as I finished getting ready I walked outside to wait at the bus stop but when I got there I saw that the bus had already left.

Great, just great. Now imma have to walk to school everyday because the bus driver said next time i'm late im getting suspended off from the bus for the rest of the year.

As I was walking someone pulled up beside me in a car but I just ignored them at first until I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

"Aubree", says Jayce while rolling up beside me as i'm walking.

I turn to face him,"Yeah."

"It looks like you need a ride", he says while trying to hide the smile on his face.

"Oh, no i'm fine but thanks anyways."

"No Aubree I insist." My heart almost stops at the sound of my name rolling off of his tounge.

"Ummm ok I guess."

"Great, hop in." He says while giving me a heart wrenching smile.

The ride was silent but not an awkward silence, more like a peaceful one I guess.

When we got to school everybody was starring at us like we were the most interesting things that they have seen all throughout there lives. It's not like they have anything better to do in this school then gossip so this was like christmas to them because I really don't socialize much at this school and now i'm getting rides from the new kid. Well it doesn't matter what they think or say about us because theres nothing even goin on in between us even if I wish there was. Wait what am I even saying I don't even know this kid really so I shouldn't be having these kinds of thoughts yet. But for some weird reason I am no matter how hard I try not to.

"Aubree are you coming, were gonna be late for class." Jayce looks worriedly at me because I just spaced out. Well I probably did look pretty stupid just standing there but oh well it's too late to take it back now.

"Oh, uh yeah, sure lets go."


Today went by suprisingly fast that now iit was time to go and the only thing that sucked about that was that I was going to have to walk home now.

While I was walking out of the school I heard someone calling my name.

"Aubree, hey wait up." I turn around to see Jayce running, trying to catch up with me. Hmm I wonder what he could want.

"Hey would you like me to give you a ride home?" Jayce asks me with a puppy dog look on his face that I can't  deny so I say yes.

"Ok but only as long as you promise  that I wont be a burden on you?" I say / ask.

"I promise" He says while giving me that heart wrenching smile of his again.


"Thank you for taking me home Jayce I really appreciate it." I say honestly while giving him one of my best smiles.

"No problem, and umm Aubree?"


"Can I give you a ride everyday?"

"Um sure." I say genuily happy that I wouldn't have to walk home everyday now.

"Ok bye Aubree"

"Bye Jayce see you tomorrow."

I then walk to my front door and open it and walk inside and then watch Jayce pull off.

"I'm home!" I yell out feeling really happy to be at home for once.

The Boy In BlackWhere stories live. Discover now