The Boy In Black

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(Aubree's POV)

This week went by really fast its already friday and me and Jayce have gotten closer than I would have thought possible. We were now currently in his car on our way to school and we were talking about how his parents were coming to visit him tomorrow and that they wanted to meet me also.

It never really occured to me to ask him who he lived with until now.

"Hey Jayce?"

"Yes Aubree?"

"Umm I hope i'm not asking something too personal but who do you live with if your parents live out of town?"

" I live by myself in one of my parents vacationing houses up on the cliff over looking the beach."

"Wow thats weird I had a dream that I was near a house on a cliff right about the beach too and then you came out of nowhere."

"Hmm well I heard the legend once that if you have a dream about someone then that means they are your other half, your soulmate.", Jayce says giving me that heart wrenching smile of his again.

"Well I don't know about all that it just seems all a little to easy and life just isn't that way, your supposed to have to work to get what you want. Not have a dream and then know who your love is. Thats kinda like cheating if you ask me.", but at that time we pulled up at school.                                                                                                                                                                       "Well we better get to class before were late.", Jayce says while trying to avoid my eyes. I think I offended him with the whole soulmate thing, hmm maybe he really did beleive that.

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