Chapter 1

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ugh! It's Monday and i'm late for school...again.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"AUBREE!!! Turn that alarm off before you wake up your baby brother.", My mom yelled.

"Okay, okay I am." I hurry to turn the alarm off before my step-dad wakes up and kills me.

     After i'm ready for school and waiting on the bus to come I get this feeling that somebody is watching me so I turn around and nobody is there. I was about to go and investigate when the bus pulled up and honks the horn for me to hurry up. While i'm sitting on the bus I get that feeling again and i'm about to turn around when the bus driver makes a new stop and this boy in black walks into the bus and stares straight at me with his black mezmerizing eyes and I find that I can't look away.

"Hurry up boy we ain't got all day now sit before I kick you off my bus and you get left.",Says the bus driver angrily.

The boy in black walks straight up to me and sits down then he holds his right hand out to me while I just sat there looking like an idiot staring at him.

"Hi i'm Jayce. What's your name?", the strange boy asked me. 

I didn't even hear him I was so mezmerized by his pitch black eyes that had sparks of golden in them and his shiny black hair that showered around his face covering hi-

"Hello? Are you okay?",the boy asks inturupting my train of thought and sounding like he was unsure of my sanity.

"Oh what? I'm s-so s-sorry what did you s-say?",I stuttered uninteligently.

He laughed looking amused at something."I said my names Jayce."

"My names Aubree and umm sorry about earlier.",I said emmbarrased.

Thankfuly we arrived at school at that moment saving us from that awkward moment of silence.

"Well um bye and welcome to Baylor High School."I smiled at got off the bus before he could say anything else.

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