CHAPTER 10: Chainless Heart Fades

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The visible crimson arc wavelength appears to be very sorrowful. From the above crimson sphere that makes the moon and sun aligns and filled with crimson color. The effect from forming of red eclipse. Only the archemns wrap within. They can't access more elemental powers inside. Everything was controlled by Luzifer. It's like an illusion that only he can manipulate. The sweats on their skins are pouring continuously. The unstable expressions on their faces seem different from the outside. Liquids from Ryl's sword and flames from Rince's Excalibur are totally draining inside Luzifer's arc. They couragely face him despite of his intimidating presence. They told him that even the earth and moon would collide; they're going to change the predicted fate. Eliminate the lies which Luzifer have declared the possible ending.

"The stings of our hearts will help us change the fate of the world. Do you agree?" Luzifer asks.

"Only helpless creatures could think about that Luzifer. We'll never use our negative sides as weapon for change" Rince said.

"Totally, we're going to put limitations and range" Ryl said, connecting to Rince's statement.

Luzifer draws his enormous sword. It is weird and seems like the death reaper's hook with fangs of demons on the upper side. He summons his power inside him making the entire field loaded with strong hot winds which is very painful to the eyes. They carefully watch his movement. Charging first before Luzifer could hold his weapon tight. They attack him in the same time. However, Luzifer easily catches their swords.

"He's too fast. I can't hit him even once" Ryl said.

"Then let's dwell our elemental powers. Let's show him what we've got" Rince said.

"Wow. That's interesting. Impress me!" Luzifer provokes them.

"Don't underestimate us Luzifer. We're not that weak" Ryl said.

Ryl can't acquire moisture inside so he stabs the ground and it releases some hot water. He dwell it up around his sword, boosting massively until it moves onto his entire arms. The scales appeared again on his hand. The liquids outside, splashes like the motion of the torrents. Beholding him with that power makes him think that he misses to encounter the old water archemn, Hydro.

At the same time, Rince dwell the flames as well to his Excalibur. The friction of his body creates more flames that dwells entirely. A feather-like flame wraps his two shoulders like having tiny wings. Luzifer imagined Pyro as he looks upon his searing eyes.

"I'm glad that I'd able to meet the reincarnation of Pyro and Hydro. I guess, what happened before, happens once more" Luzifer said.

"We'll prevent that to happen. History will never repeat itself" Ryl said.

"He's right. We're going to stop you even if it causes our lives" Rince said while standing beside Ryl.

Luzifer becomes interested towards the two of them. He's expecting a good deciding battle with them. He told them that he hates to kill incompetent beings. He advised them to avoid being outmatched or else he will come to a decision to end them earlier. The brave expressions on their eyes serve as their answers. They blitz toward him. Throwing and casting spells.

"Elemental Calamity: Over burn!"

The flames reach to Luzifer. It equips to his body and explodes like small dynamites. Luzifer pushes his aura sideward to distinguish the attaching flames on his skin. He steps backward and Ryl appears to be fast. Timing as Luzifer is about to turn.

"Elemental Calamity: Aqua Slash!"

Sharp edge water hits Luzifer's back. It works against him. However, he stands straight after that. He appreciates their determination of pushing him to an end. He smiled dreadfully and slashes them so fast before they could react. They able to counter it but unfortunately, the impact makes them blast-off.

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