Chapter 6

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                                                                Nobody to love Me

                                                                  * * ~ * ♥  *~ * *

Lexi stood in the center of a familiar room.

Everything in the room was dull and lifeless. The walls were a deathly pale, like the lips of a dead man, and the furniture stark, cold. Outside, lightning flickered outside the window, showing a storm was on it's way. Crayons lay scattered across the wooden floor, broken toys, stuffed animals mutated by the likes of a maddened child, sat in somber silence. 

The walls and shelves were covered with crayon drawings and roughly cut paper dolls. An old wooden rocking chair creaked softly at the edge of the light. It was facing away from her and she could see a body slumped in the seat, arms dangling over the sides. She took a step closer and felt a sudden pang of recognition surge through her.

Walking around to face the chair, she gazed down at an empty shell of a boy, his nails gripping the edge of the seat, his head slumped into his hollow chest. His eyes were out of focus, almost delirious. Darkened brown hair plastered his forehead, as droplets of sweat trickled down his hairline and mixed with the salty tears flowing from his cheeks.

Lexi summoned her blade with a bloodcurling smile, and stalked closer. "I'd advise you to start running."

The boy, who couldn't have been over the age of ten, raised his head, and gave a wicked grin unlike anything she'd ever seen before. All traces of childish innocence was gone, replaced by a savage glee. The kind of mad glee that would find humor in drowned kittens, and poisioned cattle. A single drop of blood smeared his cheek. Under that mask of his, she easily saw fit through his illusion, the pain of losing it all...a child hurting inside. A child too young to understand the cruelty of her kind.

A child she helped turn into a monster.

Salt tears flowed down rosy red cheeks, and the boy sniffled. "Are you satisfied now? They took everything from you, and now you've taken everything from me," The corner of his mouth twitched, and for a moment, he whined like a dying animal."...and left me with nothing, but this hollow hole in my chest." 

A numbness spread through her chest, and she slowly turned to face the boy. "I'll spare your pitiful existence," She echoed relentlessly, towering above her prey. "On the condition that you bow to me like the worthless dog you are."

"One day you'll be at my mercy, Lexi." He said, smiling. His words sent goosebumps crawling up her spine. "One day I'll grow strong...and come and find you."

"I'll be looking forward to it." She threw her head back, and laughed. Her black cloak swayed in the chilly breeze, and purple lighting struck the sky, casting shadows over her face. "You're not afraid of me?"

The boy titled his head sideways, matching her smirk. "Why would I be afraid of nothing?"

Bronze ringlets framed his face, and chocolate brown eyes stared back at her expectantly, seeming to know what was coming next. They burned like wildfire in a wintery deadland, burning so brightly until she could no longer look at him. A single shimmering tear fell from her cheek before evaporating into nothingness. Overhead, a thin crescent moon grinned down at them behind ragged wisps of cloud, and a cold autumm breeze sliced right through her cloak, making her shiver.

The sword in her blood-stained hands began to feel heavier, and she struggled to plunge the sharp tip into his throat. She had never been ordered to execute a child before, and the weight of her past sins began to dawn on her consciousness.

Road to Dawn {Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction} (KH Watty Awards) {Action/Semi-OC}Where stories live. Discover now