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                                                          The Dark City

                                                          * * ~ * ♥  *~ * *

A glowing heart-shaped moon hung in the neverending night, and shined it's pale light upon the empty realm. Rain was falling down on the desolate and empty streets of the Dark City. Looking in the sky, one could see a giant white castle that seemed to be floating. 

Lexi descended out of a corridor of darkness, dressed in a long black robe, gloves and knee-length boots with silver trimming and high concave indentations on the top.

She gazed into the hollow streets, watching the mist  writhe through the thorns, creating shadows and  creatures nightmares are made of where there was nothing. Silence hung thick on the air; not the peaceful, serene silence, but the silence of a tomb, or the aftermath of a battle, where death and darkness thrived and the living had no place.

She could hear the whispers of hate and fear that hissed through the fog, ghosts on the wind. She could hear them call her name.

Something in her recoiled, reluctant to set foot in the dark city. They were waiting for her, somewhere beyond the mist. Still watching.

Filled with forebording she couldn't explain, she drew back, then stopped, angry with herself. Why this sudden fear? Fear meant nothing to her. Fear was the knowledge of pain, the awareness that you could be hurt, that you could die.

She knew pain. Intimately. She'd welcomed it at times, because it meant she could still feel, that she wasn't completely heartless. What more could anything do to her body that she hadn't already lived through? She had lost her heart, hadn't she? And she had survived all these years with nothing but her instinct.

"Lexi," something whispered through the thick fog, raising the hair on the back of her neck. She whirled, but no one was there.

Stepping back once more, she drew her blade and stepped into the narrow street, feeling the mist coil around her as she stepped into the fog.

A gray shroud enveloped her instantly, lit by the flat, even glow that somehow managed to darken everything. Nothing moved in the moonlit streets; all life in this city had once been swallowed by darkness and discord, thick fog sprang up everywhere, chocking everything out.

The gravel beneath her feet was wet and solid, through the writhing layer of smoke made it impossible to see what she was stepping on.

As she weaved through the streets, her blade held up and ready, she began to sense the wrongness of the city, right below her feet. The ground pulsed with hate and blood and despair; she could feel it, the emptiness of this place.

She could feel her nobody nature rise up in response, cold, ruthless and angry. And, for that moment, she wanted to kill Xemnas for taking everything important away from her. She wanted to take her blade and plunge it deep into his chest, to watch the light fade from his eyes right before crumpling to her feet.

Turning away, she struggled to compose herself, to stifle the cold rage ebbing through her. The darkness inside her was stirring, unwilling to hold back any longer, and the core of rage, like a spearhead, was directed at the Organization.

"Lexi," the voice whispered her name again, and she looked up.

She could see the bright neon signs of Memory's Skyscraper glowing in the far distance. She could see hordes of endless heartless and nobodies coming torwards her.

Road to Dawn {Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction} (KH Watty Awards) {Action/Semi-OC}Where stories live. Discover now